what’s most fucked up thing you heard unintentionally?

  1. “ Girl he nutted a cheesy ass load in my pussy now I gotta take dem pills to get rid of it “

    A convo probably over some kind of yeast infection this lady got. Made me cringe the way she said cheesy load lol.

  2. I don’t know, but yesterday I heard something pretty fucked up regarding Juneteenth, which I don’t even have the balls to put in writing. I’m so fucking tired of racist people.

  3. I was eating with my brother and a few people were sitting at the next table.
    Maybe friends, maybe family, I don’t know.

    They were talking but we didn’t listen, we were zoned out and just eating.
    Then one woman (maybe in her 20s?) said:
    “I would never marry my own father.”

  4. That one is easy: Should I tell the guy I am dating that I am trans?
    Yes this is violating another human being. A lot of people complain that trans people are hurt or deleted but they tend to do things like that.

  5. – “We gonna sue him, cause he ain’t gonna fight it”
    – “How do you know he ain’t putting up a fight?”
    – “Cause his mother is dying of cancer and he’s always with her”

    Two lovely fuckers I had the displeasure to work at the same company.

  6. Some women go through period without using anything like a tampon or pad. They just let it all go down there and call it “freebleeding”. They call it “normal” and “feminism”. Doesn’t matter how big of a stain they get on their pants

  7. I was in an elevator with two men, I guess they were friends the way they were talking to each other. This one guy is telling the other guy how his son just turned 18 and he is going to surprise him with an initiation into a gang (the bloods)… He was SO excited about it and seemed proud of his son for finally becoming man enough to join the gang.

    Seriously, how much of a garbage father do you have to be to want to give your son a chance to ruin his life and die early for his 18th birthday? You’d think that a father involved in gangs would know enough to want to free his son from that kind of lifestyle, but NOPE. It’s a sad fucking life out here in the hood. Easily the most fucked up thing I’ve heard. At least in person, I’ve heard worse online ofc.

  8. I was in an elevator with two men. I guess they were friends the way they were talking to each other. This one guy is telling the other guy how his son just turned 18 and he is going to surprise him with an initiation into a gang (the bloods)… He was SO excited about it and seemed proud of his son for finally becoming man enough to join the gang.

    Seriously, how much of a garbage father do you have to be to want to give your son a chance to ruin his life and die early for his 18th birthday? You’d think that a father involved in gangs would know enough to want to free his son from that kind of lifestyle, but NOPE. It’s a sad fucking life out here in the hood. Easily the most fucked up thing I’ve heard. At least in person, I’ve heard worse online ofc.

  9. I’m a teacher. I heard one of my students say:

    “My mom and my stepmom were college roommates.”

    I know somewhat of their family drama, and the father cheated on the mother with her best friend, who became the stepmother.

  10. “greta has ass burgers, down syndrome, and fetal alcohol syndrome”

    “its Asperger’s”


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