How do you deal with meeting the right person, at the wrong time?

  1. There’s more than one right person. If it’s not right it’s not right. You either come together later once [whatever] works itself out or you meet someone new who is at the right moment.

  2. Shrug, move on and if there’s a thing called fate or whatever, it’ll happen if both parties genuinely believe they’re the right person, but there’s lotsa “right” persons so I don’t fixate on what probably won’t happen. I may not fully closing the door, but I’m a realist and aren’t hanging around so I’ll go on living my life.

  3. The right person at the wrong time is the wrong person. It sucks, but it also sucks.

  4. If it’s the right person, then you make it work.

    Very rarely will the stars align for it to be the right person and the right time. You can always make excuses for why it’s the wrong time, then one day you wake up and feel sad that you’re alone. If you think this person is right for you, you figure out a way for it to work

  5. By realizing that there is no such thing as a singular “right person.”

    Theoretically, there are hundreds of thousands of people that are compatible with us (this doesn’t mean you would date them but just compatible at least). Just because you met someone who you matched with doesn’t meet that’s all. There are so many others you can match with if you keep an open mind.

    So you met someone like that at the wrong time? Brush it off and move forward. You’ll meet someone new again. That’s how confidence rolls

  6. You deal with it by not dealing with it.

    You have to err on the side of timing here and there’s a reason for it. You can’t force it and only if you do, you’re going to set up for failure/disappointment.

  7. Had a fwb when I was in my early twenties. We clicked on everything that counted. Even better, we slept great together. Best sleep both of us ever had. Plus our pillow talk was the best. We both started catching feelings, but since we were both young and on different paths, we ended things.

    Years later we ran into each other. We are trying to figure things out since she had to move to a different state for work. Apparently all her friends knew about me, as she would talk about me as the one that got away. When I met them they were expecting something else. When they asked her why she was so hung up on me, she told them I give great pillow talk. Which some of them couldn’t understand.

    Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don’t. I am just glad that her and I are getting this second chance. Hope it works out this time.

  8. I don’t believe in that. Right person comes at the right time and when you stop looking for them. It worked for me.

  9. I used to believe in this but not anymore. There is no right person wrong time. If you met this person at the wrong time then they’re the wrong person.

  10. If you care about her but have other personal things going on that prevents you from wanting a relationship right now, be her friend and tell her exactly that… it’s good to keep good people around, even if you aren’t romantically involved

  11. There’s no such thing as the right person at the wrong time. All the right persons are at the wrong time. It’s when it’s the right time that all the wrong persons become the right persons.

  12. When you meet a woman whose voice lights up every time she sees you, laughs at your dry, sarcastic humor without you putting much effort into being funny, and is the first to check up on you when you’ve had a stressful day, with no strings attached.

    As an up-tight and somewhat awkward guy, you feel relaxed and comfortable around her in a way that you’re not when you’re around most other women…but then when you take a step back and remember that she works in the same office building as you and already has a BF (no idea what the relationship is like), you realize you may have met your right match at the wrong time and place.😔

  13. Right person, wrong time – sorry to say, but they’re not the right person. If they were, then it would all fall into place, take it from someone who’s been in the same situation and is now lucky enough to be with someone that they worship the very ground that their partner walks on.

  14. Female here, but a relevant anecdote.

    I went to a friend’s party a few years ago, and sat beside an incredibly sweet, lovely and interesting person. He wasn’t ‘my type’, but I was definitely interested. Our table was connected to another, and him and I engaged in a lot of conversation with those near us, but primarily between us two. Honestly, this was happening for about 40 minutes until the woman sitting two seats away (and who was speaking to the other group), moved to the seat beside him (which was now free), nuzzle in with him, and mentioned wanting a club soda. Lo and behold, I realize this is his wife. Wham! Then, only 5 minutes later, she stands up to go to the bathroom, at which time I see her pregnant belly. Wham! Thanks, high tables.

    Ugh…that night was not a fave. Strangely, I didn’t even notice his wedding ring until his pregnant wife started chatting with him. Perhaps it was wishful thinking…but, c’est la vie.

  15. Try to stay as friends if she asks you out be honest and say you’d love to but right now you arent in the position to maintain a good relationship, be it you dont have the time focus or whatever. And say later down when you re in a better place if she is still willing and available youd love to ask her out

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