At my uni accomodation there’s these two guys who are really toxic when they’re together it’s like they feed off each other and subtly gaslight anyone they perceive to be weaker and make snide comments and belittle anyone who’s assertive/hasn’t earned their respect.

It comes out most when we play competitive games with constant comments like ‘surely you’ll make this’ and ‘as if you wouldn’t do xyz’ that start off as banter but get old quickly and just devolves into constantly ridiculing a single person (usually another guy) any time they make a move. And if makes a smart comment back they’ll act like they’re being attacked and use it to justify insulting people for no reason.

It’s frustrating because they’re generally nice guys to talk to alone but just turn into absolute d1ckheads when there’s girls around or no one holding them accountable.
Idk what to do cos they play it off as a jokes but they definitely get a kick out of it.

  1. If it bothers you then tell them, if they take the piss at your request then cut them out bro you cant forcefully change a person as u may already know

  2. >It comes out most when we play competitive games with constant comments like ‘surely you’ll make this’ and ‘as if you wouldn’t do xyz’ that start off as banter but get old quickly and just devolves into constantly ridiculing a single person (usually another guy) any time they make a move. And if makes a smart comment back they’ll act like they’re being attacked and use it to justify insulting people for no reason.

    You could subtly advertise around gaming groups and find a ringer, who can come in and shut them up. This is the only thing I know from experience, works.

    You could yourself take lessons from ringers until you become so good, you shut them up. This also works.

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