What is your experience with social media breaks?

  1. they are sooo good for me. stepping away from social media for a while is like recalibrating myself to my own life rather than images or representations of it. I find when I’m losing a lot of the day to instagram it interferes with me feeling like I have direct contact with my life in a way. I’m just a little less present and engaged. it can be so disorienting if you’re not careful, you get lost in unreality, not to mention I loathe the feeling of insatiably looking for dopamine hits which turns into mindless scrolling. I’m taking a break now so as you can tell I have a lot of contempt for it, for some people it seems like they don’t have a hard time regulating their usage of social media or they don’t lose sight of themselves in the endless sea of artifice and curation but I’m simply not that way. I need to take long breaks periodically

  2. It’s been over 2 years since I closed all social media. 6 months ago, I signed up for Twitter and just a few months ago for reddit but I’m not like I was with Facebook.
    Since I’ve left social media, my mental health is better and I’m not productive. I also find myself noticing a lot of signs of social media addiction in others now that I’m recovered

  3. I delete it during the day, considering deleting it for good (except Reddit). Love my life way more without insta/fb.

  4. Getting off Facebook was the best thing I ever did for my mental health. It’s way easier to disengage from trolls on an anonymous forum like reddit.

  5. My social media feeds are very specific and pared down so I don’t feel like a break would be effective in the way it would for other people. Even reddit.

  6. My most recent break was almost 2 weeks ago, I went camping last week and had no cell service for 3 days. I had such a good time being away from social media that I still don’t have the urge to check it as much as I used to.

  7. I took a break because of men and to get away from their drama. Didn’t last long cause I reinstalled Instagram in a week for work :/

  8. Fantastic. I got rid of most social media and it’s helped my mental health immensely. I’m not wasting my free time scrolling through shit I don’t care about or overloading my brain with trivial information. I’m much more apt to read or go outside now.

  9. Excellent for mental health. Sometimes the echos in these chambers just get too loud and I need to go sit outside for a while to remember that I’m a human in a real world and I can exist how I want without the pressure of cowards behind keyboards.

  10. – stopped TikTok completely
    – Instagram, FB – I only check if I get a notification, no more mindless scrolling
    – Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest are my go to’s right now – so much more relaxing

    would recommend, especially if you’re avoiding your ex lol

  11. I’ve gotten rid of insta and I was only on FB for 3 months at most. I still have snap, reddit, and Twitter, but I only use snap to text friends and I rarely use Twitter. I’m on reddit bc I like reading AITA lol. I also got rid of tiktok.

    It’s helped me realize how impressionable my mind is. I would easily get tiktok sounds stuck in my head or find myself “thinking” in meme formats. I’m more present and I don’t pull out my phone every chance I get.

  12. I have “blackout days” where my phone is on silent, and I only check it when I want to, if I even turn the stupid thing on. If someone needs me that bad, then anyone I’m willing to drop everything for will know how to get to me without my phone. It feels like a mental health cleanse, like more fiber for the brain. I think people, including me, have forgotten how to relax without constant stimulation.

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