What do people try and make you change about yourself but you like it the way it is?

  1. Introversion. I can’t be as social as “you” are all the time, sorry not sorry. It’s exhausting.

  2. i get rosy cheeks when it’s really hot out and ppl gave me unsolicited advice and recommended different tips but now my nickname is pikachu and i’m fine with that lol

  3. My relationship with femininity, particularly my appearance. I’m happy with how I look and wear. I don’t care for wearing makeup, I never asked, nor needed anyone’s fashion tips, and I’m not insecure about my body.

  4. Putting myself out there. Meaning, talking and mingling with new people. This is a hard thing for me because I get super self-conscious, awkward and then I start word vomiting. It’s best that I stay as a recluse.

  5. Hate it when anyone tells me I don’t need makeup I’m pretty/beautiful without. Considering my family are toxic I know they just wanna see me at my worse. I do need make up. I don’t need it cos I’m shallow,vain or anything like that. I need it cos I am shy, self conscious I like it to cover up bad skin days, tired eyes and I feel better with makeup on. But people still try to change that about me.

  6. My family and friends want me to be more girly and ladylike. I’m incredibly happy the way I am. I feel very feminine and comfortable. I personally feel girly, modest, pretty, respectful, polite, and confident.

    I dont have to dress, act, or talk like others to be ladylike. I am a lady, but I’m also strong and confident. I don’t need/want make up, frilly clothes, or cute mannerisms to fit in. I dont want to fit in. I want to be comfortable and successful.

  7. My reliance on my parents in tough situations really bothers some people. If a problem comes up then I’ll obviously try to fix it myself but if there comes a time that I’m out of my depth then you’re darn right I’m going to my parents for help.

  8. Not changing my looks. “You still look the same” with a negative connotation. So often.

    My friends change their hairstyles and clothing quite often, I stick to the same looks for years. Because I feel good and comfortable this way. What’s the point of changing just for the sake of changing anyway? It’s not a law that you have to change every this and that many years

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