So me and my boyfriend(28m) were better than ever, he asked me for space out of the blue because he was feeling confused. A week later, he came to me to talk because he wanted to go back together and he told me that we have to build a future together, I told him I was all in.

After that we were super good, and he went to a trip for a month, we had a fight while he was on his trip were again he told me he didnt knew what was going to happen with the future, and he doesnt know if this is long term. He tells me he knows he wants me now but he needs to figure out his future and see if im in it with him. So we took a break because he asked me AGAIN, and said we were going to talk in person when he comes back from his trip.

2 weeks later, he comes back from his trip and calls me. He starts saying he wants to do things right, i tell him everything i dont like and he tells me to and that we want to be together. so that day he invites me for dinner (saturday night) we havent seen each other for a month, and it was the best feeling. we slept together we spend all sunday together, we were back together. He was all week telling me he loved me, bought me my favorite dessert, watch movies, slept together during the week, told me to go to his place, told me to go somewhere for the weekend, told me if i already told my friend we were back together, and even gave me back the keys for his place.

Suddenly its friday, weve been talking normal, and its 4pm and he tells me we should complete our conversation, i told him i agreed so we can now what we are expecting from each other. then he tells me he is going out with his friends on friday night, but sat we will talk. I called him and he suddenly tells me hes confused. on saturday instead of meeting me to talk, he goes to spend all day with his friends, and i called him when he arrives to his home. were he tells me again he needs space he needs to reset and same THING that he doesnt know about our future.

I told him i do know what i want, and that relationship are not easy but it shouldnt be that hard either

Thats all, he broke up with me. Again.

Why would he come back to call me to tell me all this and do all this things even GIVE ME THE KEY TO HIS PLACE on a wednesday, and suddenly he brokes up with me on saturday.

This was so disrespectful and made me feel so bad. I have some clothes of him i dont know if to leave it at his lobby or what. He will reach out again?

  1. You should cut ties with this person immediately and go cold Turkey. If he loved you and wanted to be with you he would be. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow but it is true. The quicker you realise your worth the easier you can move on. The only problem is most don’t want to face reality because it hurts us and so we ignore it. You deserve better simple as that. Good luck!

  2. You should move on or else he’ll keep breaking your heart. it’ll hurt at first but then you’ll be thankful you didn’t waste more time with him

  3. He just wanted the comfort of something familiar and sex. Ditch him. Don’t let him mess you around repeatedly

  4. Men that manipulate to get their way are the worst kind of men, in my opinion. Completely playing with heart strings to get laid… pull you in, tell you what you wanna hear, get some action or fed emotionally, then boom… gone and confused.

    Leave that piece of junk behind…

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