Getting a job for the first time in years.

The last 2 to 3 years, I was unemployed, staying up until 3 playing video games whilst I completed my BS degree online living a nocturnal lifestyle. Graduated, I have since changed up my lifestyle.

What are your tips for coming back into employment for the first time in awhile?

  1. * If you haven’t already, and assuming you work normal business hours, have a bedtime and stick to it. Revenge bedtime procrastination only hurts you.
    * Have things outside of work, that you look forward to doing which, also keep you physically and mentally fit
    * Meal prep to save money and eat healthier; especially if you’re commuting to work
    * Budget your money and invest in your company’s 401k or retirement plan if they have an employer match. from r/personalfinance
    * Learn how to play the office politics game so your work-life is better
    * Gain competency and learn from other’s experiences. If you have a professional path, find was to keep working towards your goals
    * Keep track of all of your accomplishments and projects in a document you can access on your personal devices. This helps come review time and to update your resume
    * *job hop every 2-4 years to get more opportunity and money
    * Don’t take work too seriously, learn how to communicate to your boss and team if you need help, are going to miss a deadline, have questions, etc. Nobody knows everything but, as long as you’re actually trying and using your resources before asking for help, people are usually willing to help point you in the right direction. Better to ask the question now and move forward rather than hope to look like you know everything but, miss something important.

  2. Show up on time, dress nicely, learn to say “no” to people in a professional way and know what’s above your paygrade..

  3. Budget? 401k? Plan next steps if your not content with current salary? Certs? House (good luck with this one)

  4. Set boundaries early on. Never work overtime or cover shifts as a rule, only as an exception.

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