i’m so fed up with people and i feel like i can only trust 1 or 2 people in the whole world and these people are family members. i’m so lost as to how i could ever trust anyone else when i am constantly disappointed and wounded by others. i don’t know what i’m doing wrong and i really need advice. even when i think i might get along with someone, they don’t want me in their life or vice versa. i feel like i am going to be alone forever and all anyone has to say to that is “no u will find someone out there” >:’(

  1. The world will always reflect what you feel inside because reality is personal. We all live in our own inside out reality.

  2. Ask yourself if you are someone you would want to hang out with. If the answer is no, do some introspection and find some reasons why. Find one thing about yourself that you can control and improve, and work on that. Ask yourself the same question again in a few days.

    Don’t worry if it takes time, this is a difficult thing to do.

  3. Well how long have you hated everyone? It will change.. guaranteed.

    Now, I practice a certain type of thing where I come to love everyone and all beings in fact…. I’m not perfect at it but it’s a practice for life. BUT it doesn’t mean that I trust people.
    My spiritual teacher told me not to trust anybody. But to serve everybody in any small way that I can.
    Simply because we are fallible and reality is a Mystery.
    Even doing the best we can with the best intentions we can still screw things up beyond belief.

    So it’s best for everybody if I just don’t put trust into them.
    It has a huge added benefit and that’s that I’m not disappointed or surprised anymore,
    I sort of expect that my friends and family and of course myself will screw up or find themselves in situations nobody would wanna be in….

    So I forgive automatically and instantly. I’m already in that high state of consciousness that is forgiveness.
    This is a huge strength and in grateful I was guided to it.
    Anyway that’s just some basic first thoughts I think will be helpful.

    All the best!

  4. You don’t hate everyone. You hate yourself. Start doing some self reflection and start seeing yourself more positively. Certain aspects of yourself you don’t like, what steps can you take to improve?

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