I recently had a really bad UTI during the weekend, so I had to go to the ER for an antibiotic perscription. I thought it was important to note that I had recently had intercourse which was unprotected. After that I kind of panicked and used a big amount of regular birth control pills as emergency contraceptive. I know this is stupid. He just went inside of me for pretty much a second and I doubt any semen got inside but just to be safe. Also I was on my period during the time so I probably wasnt even in the fertile window. It was the fourth day of my period. I told the doctor about all of it even though i felt embarassed. The doctor went on to scold me and later i checked the thing she wrote about the ER visit and i just felt so embarrassed and stupid. I didnt even want to have this type of stuff on paper but i thought it might be necessary to tell them. I already have a lot of guilt around sex and especially with men and now i get an anxiety attack thinking about it. It was the first time sex with a man felt safe and ok for me and now this stupid ER visit ruined it once again for me. I always have ptsd style flash backs about my previous intercourses with men but this one was okay.. til the ER. I guess I just want to hear any ideas. I love the idea of sex and i get aroused. I feel good right after but then i start getting flashbacks later and feeling gross and disgusted.

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