I’ve been noticing that I get super embarrassed and flustered when people bring up topics of romance. Not romance including me, just romance in general.
I don’t know how to describe it, it’s kind of like,”oh my goodness, I forgot that exists, oh wow romance wow I thought that was private”
It doesn’t even have to be anything intense it can be like,”oh I like this person”
And immediately I’m melting in embarrassment because “nooooo that’s a private thinggggggg aaaaaaa feelingssssssssss noooooooo”

It’s weird because I have only started feeling like this around 8 months ago. I used to find romance cute.

It’s gotten to the point where I struggle to talk to some of my friends because they love romance. I always ruin the conversation due to my embarrassment.

I’m trying to desensitize myself, reading romance books, watching romantic shows, not skipping any romance stuff, listening to romance songs, but it just leaves me more embarrassed than before.

I want to go back to how I used to be, when I wasn’t so easily flustered. I have a theory that maybe it has something to do with my personal mental health, so I’ve also been trying to work on that, but that idea seems like a stretch.

Does anyone have any tips or just are willing to tell me they feel the same??

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