Lately I’ve been thinking about what kind of _stuff_ I crave doing. I’m not necessarily talking about things that I _enjoy_ doing, I’m talking about things that I actively **crave** doing – things that my body intrinsically says “Yes I want to do that”. Things that I don’t have to give myself a little pep talk to do. I’ve come up with a few examples that I, personally, **crave** on a fairly regular basis:

* Playing video games with my friends
* Eating burritos
* Getting high and watching a movie
* Sex/intimate stuff (cuddling and whatnot)

Conversely, here are a few example of things that I **enjoy** doing but I don’t actively _crave_ doing. Things that take some mental pushing to get myself to do even though I know I’ll enjoy it:

* Hiking
* Going out with friends (i.e. going to a bar or playing boardgames; something that’s not just playing online games)
* Reading

As an added bonus, here’s a few things that I neither **crave** nor **enjoy** but I know leave me happier after I’ve done them:

* Exercising
* Learning a new language/studying something I want to know more about
* Meditating
* Meeting new people

I’ve struggled most of my life with the feeling that most of what I do falls in the second or third categories, and that I’m usually sort of pushing myself to do things rather than actively craving to do them. I see other people doing things and I wonder to myself – is that something where they’re thinking to themselves “Yess I get to go kayaking today! That is what I want to be doing right now” or are they thinking “Sure I’d love to just lay on the couch and watch TV right now, but I know I enjoy kayaing a lot so I’m going to go do that” or do they say “Sure I’d rather just lay down on the couch and watch TV, and I know I won’t be in a state of bliss while I’m out on the water, but I know I’ll be a lot happier at the end of the day if I go kayaking today”.

I’m interested in hearing from y’all where your hobbies typically fall in those categories.

1 comment
  1. Yes, people do crave exercise, learning, meditating and crave getting off the couch and away from screens.

    Some of those preferences they are born with or pick up during their upbringing.

    Other people just change and come to like the things other people have to push themselves to do.

    Part of it is how you think about things and your attitude.

    Part of it is what you are used to.

    Part of it, at least the changing of preferences is something I don’t know how it comes to be.

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