4 months ago, my bf asked to “take a break” from our relationship in order to focus on ourselves. Throughout the 4 months, he checked in on me via phone call 3 times; I counted.


4 months later, he’s in a “relationship” with someone else; Air quotes, because he claimed it was “unwilling”. Long story short, his father is a pretty successful businessman and in the pursuit of further success, he struck a deal with a business partner: He gets the important business deal in exchange for his son (my bf) dating the business partner’s daughter. So according to my bf (I’m not even sure if he still is), this business deal is very important to his father; Excruciatingly important that he cannot screw this up, meaning he has no choice but to comply.


In short, his new relationship is advantageously arranged. This was maybe over 2 weeks ago, I don’t really know because I lost track of time. The reason to my question is because while my “bf” dates someone else, he claims to still think about me and care for me. He claims to still want to be with me and not wanting us to be “over”, but at the same time he said he cannot break up with the other girl because of the “very important” business deal.


You know that Superman meme “you won’t let me live, you won’t let me die”? That is how I feel about our current situation. I don’t understand how or why he wants to continue thinking about and caring for me, not calling quits on us and not even wanting to say that we are truly over, and then at the same time he goes off to become someone else’s bf which he claims he harbors no feelings for but he cannot break up with for the sake of his father’s business.


Now his new gf forbids him to continue talking me, understandably so. Yet he’s secretly contacting me behind her back. Honestly, I feel like a side-chick lmao. But he said I shouldn’t feel that way because “I am not”? Am I really the side chick or is the other girl? Does this count as him cheating on me, since we never even mutually agreed to a break up? I don’t know, I don’t even know what to call him and I now. We’re not a couple, not lovers, not even friends. We never explicitly state our “break up”, but there’s no denying the fact that he’s out there dating someone other than me. We’re stuck in a limbo.


I guess I’m still holding onto that tiny glimmer of hope that things would eventually work out for the two of us, even though I don’t see how. I don’t even see him at least “trying” to do something about it since he claims I am the one he wants. He just says it, but he’s not doing anything to prove it because he “cannot”. The way I see it, he wants to be the perfect son and the perfect gentleman; But in the end he’s got to let one go. My brain is telling me he will choose to be the perfect son, like he always does, but my heart is unwilling to let go.


I just thought I deserve a proper explanation, you know? I thought I would see him, maybe one last time, to talk things out. I thought the very least I deserve is a closure after all the pain he puts me through that I still feel every single day of my life. But I cannot bring myself to talk to him because who am I to ask something from him anymore? I’ve been reduced to a nothing.


TLDR: My bf asked to take a break from our relationship. 4 months later he said he was arranged by his father to date the daughter of the business partner; an advantageous relationship that he cannot break off due to the importance of the business deal. Now I’m wondering if I should still seek him out to talk things out because I thought I want a closure.

  1. You’re the side chick. It really sucks of him not to break up with you, even though that’s inevitable. He’s made his choice. You’re not the choice. It’s simple as that now – break up with him and find someone available.

  2. Your ex needs to pick a lane. If he wants to date you he needs to tell his father to fuck off and do so, if he’s unwilling to do so you are never gonna be the main person in his life and you need to move on.

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