I always cringe really badly about the things that i have said and the acts that i have done ,I keep overthinking every word i have said and feel like shit , that’s really makes me so so anxious and so tired , how can i get rid of those feelings how can i be a normal person 😞

  1. Something to try: whenever you notice you’re currently dragging yourself through the mud make yourself yawn. Do it enough and it’ll become a natural reaction. The idea here is that you’ll recognize when you’re beating yourself up for no reason and you can tell yourself to stop instead of keeping it going on an automatic process.

    Also try positive affirmation meditation, you can videos for that on YouTube

  2. Hello mate,

    Dont worry it gets better, but you have to practice !
    Try to have as many social interactions as you can.
    The fact that you can notice what is cringe means you wont do it again at least.

    Try to put a filter on your personality, not completely deleting it, but perhaps, when you hesitate about doing something which isnt casual, try to think about it for a little before doing it.

    Just think about how a normal person would act.

    The stronger the filter you put on, the less cringy you are. The more you act normaly (like anyone would), the less weird youll be. Common sense.

    However its a balance,

    People without filter are annoying asfk cause they will say and do weird stuff with no consideration for people around, which makes it not great being around them.

    But people with a filter which is too strong are Just boring

    Try to balance 🙂

    As for not thinking about it, I would say play video games, study, watch a movie, or hang out with your friends 😀

    Btw dont worry, everybody do cringy stuff quite often. Thats normal and it happens. Just dont put emphasis on the fact that what you did was cringe, brush it off.

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