Me and the ex took about 2 months apart. We had a very loving but toxic relationship and needed to work on ourselves. We reconnected after 3 months apart when she popped up at my apartment one day. We started a sexual relationship that became romantic. We started telling eachother we loved eachother again and soon the nicknames and the “I wanna be with you forever started” . We got into a spat last night over something trivial and it turned into an argument today. She told me that she wanted no relationship but was in love with me and that basically to take it or leave it. She said if I’m okay with that then good if not too bad. I told her the day before she said she was in love with me.. not saying I do or don’t want a relationship either but it rubbed me the wrong way the way she said it. I told her I can’t see her and have us say all this lovey dovey shit if it’s not gonna lead to anything it just hurts and confuses me. She then said to leave her alone and that I didn’t understand and then blocked me. That happened fast but I also feel guilty… should I?

  1. Don’t feel guilty over communicating your needs effectively. You deserve a loving relationship that leads to something and if she doesn’t want that then it’s time to part ways.

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