when you’re driving, who sits in the passenger seat? your mom or your wife/girlfriend?

  1. Whoever gets there first. I personally don’t care.

    If people are making an issue out of the seating priority in a car between family members they need to find someone else to bug.

  2. My mom drives because she is a shit passenger and I can’t take it. Every time I get to a stop light she’ll grab handles and brace for impact while sucking her teeth in. It’s incredibly stressful.

    My girlfriend just likes being the passenger, so she can change the music and use her phone if she wants. And I really enjoy driving

    Edit: I just realized that I didn’t answer your question correctly. My girlfriend is very traditional (yet progressive, it’s weird), so she always defers to anyone her senior. Which means my mom would be in the front passenger seat

  3. Girlfriend. I avoid driving my mother anywhere. She stresses the shit out of me and talks like she’s a driving instructor, saying shit like “Don’t forget to stop at the red light”, so it’s never pleasant

  4. When I got my first girlfriend mom said this to me “don’t bother trying to make *me* happy. I’m your mom, I know you love me, your girl doesn’t, make her happy”

  5. Mine are both likely to offer to sit in the back so it’s never really an issue.

    But if it was an issue then my wife gets the front seat. She’s my wife, I am *always* on her team. She’s my most intimate partner and always comes first no matter what we’re talking about (unless it’s our kids).

    I love my mother to pieces and will happily sacrifice for her any time. But my wife is my first concern.

  6. I usually go by which ever ingress/egress is better for my mom.

    I’m in my 50s so my mom is getting up in age. If I’m driving my sedan, mom goes in the back. Any of my two doors, my wife is in the back. If I’m driving my pickup, my mom goes in front because it has the grab handle and a step.

  7. Girlfriend/wife should offer the passenger seat. Maybe I’m old school but it’s about respecting your elders.

  8. My mom is getting old, so she’s in front. Unless my dad is with us, then he’s in front since he has severe backpain.

    PS: This is a european guy commenting. Most of us don’t have SUVs or trucks or other oversized vehicles, so going in the back can mean less space.

  9. Whenever I drive both of them around my mom insists my gf sits in the front. My gf is 5’8” while my mom is barely 5’1” so it makes sense lol

    Saves me having to pick

  10. Significant other in the front. It’s straight up weird that some guys will pick their mom over their wife.

  11. Wife. My mother is a horrible passenger who can’t keep her back seat driving to herself.

  12. I’d put my wife/gf in front, idk why just sounds correct, i’d feel my parents would do the same in the past so.

  13. My wife.

    My mother would be lucky to be inside the car.

    My stepmother better drive her own car.

  14. No one. I don’t have a girlfriend, I don’t have a car, I don’t have a room. I have depression

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