What do you think the US political landscape will be like in around 20-30 years?

  1. Earth will be unlivable and the remnants of civilization will dwell in caves because dumb ass politicians and greedy industrialist don’t care and fucked the earth beyond imagination. So 20-30 years I’m not planning too much

  2. One can only hope it is less divided. We can accomplish so much when we have a fair and balanced media with both sides of the political aisle not at each other’s throats.

  3. All in all it will be more progressive compared to today as older generations die out and Gen X becomes the boomers of tomorrow.

    Attitudes toward public spending and the inevitable immigration crisis fueled by climate change will be the issue of the day.

  4. People thought the hippies would change everything. They basically changed into yuppies.

    I think a lot of the issues young people are totally enthusiastic about now will be abandoned, and new obsessions will take them.

  5. Given what it was 10, 50 even 100 years ago, it’ll likely going to be progressive given the times and new generations.

  6. I really hope terms limits in congress is pushed by the people. They could get it signed if it meant grandfathering it in… or saying it will begin in 24 years. Congress was never meant to be a lifetime position. It was meant to be a short-lived civic duty and then after a few years you went back home. It would resolve a lot of the big business issues that riddle the culture of America politics.

    I also hope they eliminate or greatly restrict trading while in public office, it would disincentivize them to remain in congress.

  7. One thing I’m certain will be around is the two party system. It’s been around basically since the founding of the country and the people in charge of both parties have too much at stake to ever change it.

  8. About the same. I’m sure they will chip away at a couple rights and freedoms. But hopefully it stays about the same.

  9. Right now a slow decline into illiberal democracy/authoritarianism ala hungary seems most likely unfortunately

  10. I think it’s possible the country will break up in some form, where it’s Articles style or altogether different countries. We’ll def. be economically poorer due to the fiscal issues.

  11. It will continue to swing back and forth like it always has. One side gets in control and screws it up then the other side takes it over and pushes too far the other way. It’s like a pendulum.

  12. It’s going to be the Raiders debating with the Settlers over who should eat. The Raiders will usually win seeing as they have dune buggies and more spiky armor.

  13. The people coming up from Central and South America that I know are hard workers. They value work, family, God. I think they will be more conservative than we think! We seem to have this idea that minority means liberal. I’m not sure it does. I hope this woke stuff goes away. I’m the child of immigrants. Wasn’t even in the country during the 1800’s. Not sure why I owe anyone reparations.

  14. 20-30 years. So 2042-2052.

    This era will be dominated by Millennials. The baby boomers will have aged out of running civic institutions in the late 2020s and 2030s. Think about it, someone born in 1985 will be 43 in 2028, the same age that JFK was when he took office, and 47 in 2032, the same age that Obama was when he took office. The youngest baby boomers will be 64 in 2028, with the peak being in the mid 70s. While they will definitely be part of the political landscape, people in their 60s and 70s commonly hold high office, I really think the generational conflict is going to result in Millennials taking over starting now and largely be finished by the mid-late 2030s.

    The Millennials will likely hold on to power well into the 2060s.

    Millennials and Boomers grew up in drastically different eras, and had different challenges and political goals. Its sort of weird to think about, but Millennials are not a replacement for Boomers, they are a replacement for the GI generation. Much like Gen Z will be a replacement for the silent generation.

    Some major political issues I think we will experience.

    Population implosion. Automation and mass human displacement from employment (granted, I think this is going to be an old issue by 2040). Taking care of elderly people as Peak Baby Boom was 1957. These folks will be in their 80s in the 2040 and we will have enormous amounts of people who will be be needing nursing care. Cyber security will be a much bigger concern as more and more AI and Automation take over performing human tasks. There is likely going to be a huge cleanup mode for areas that were based around fossil fuels and have long term damage.

    Things that will not be as big of issues as we think.

    CO2 pollution. We will mostly be getting this one under control in the 2020s and 2030s. The fossil fuel industry will have long been nearly killed by 2040. We will probably have a bunch of super fund sites cleaning up old gas stations and other shit, but day to day CO2 pollution will be a tiny fraction of what it is today. You will no see gas or diesel powered cars on the road in 2040, they will be fairly uncommon in the early 2030s. The coal industry will have long been dead and natural gas for heating/cooking will have been mostly replaced with electric systems.

    The housing crises. This one will have long been solved by 2040. This is the crises of today, based around today’s culture and today’s technology and transportation. The pressure to solve this issue today is enormous, and will just keep getting worse. There are going to be some break out products this decade which change the housing dynamic. There is going to be enormous urban infill in the 400+ midsize cities in America. Parking lots are going to be replaced with huge housing projects. Low density downtown is going to become high density downtown. I would not be surprised if the future downtown developments in midsize cities expand the housing supply by 20 million units.

    The Culture War. It will end. Millennials are going to win. Much in the same way that Boomers won vs GI generation. Boomers are a larger cohort and Millennials did not pass them up until 2019. By 2040 the majority of boomers who are alive today will have passed away (keep in mind, the oldest among them will be in their mid 90s). The next culture war will be brewing in the late 2040s and 2050s and it will be between Millennials and Gen Alpha. Neither Gen X or Gen Z will be a dominate generation like Millennials will be, or Boomers have been for the last 40 years.

  15. Well, if current voting patterns continue and the parties don’t change (and they are stubborn), [this is a good preview](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/mn9b2b/oc_the_2020_election_if_only_people_under_45_voted/). It shows what the map would have looked like in 2020 if only people under 45 voted. So those will be voters aged 38-65 in 20 years. Obviously there will still be plenty of voters over 65, and plenty of voters under 38. So this may not be perfect.

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