I sold one of my items to this guy I met on marketplace, and we had a good chat (though short) after dealing. We continued talking on text for a bit and he asked me out on a date. This was about 9-10 months ago when I was still into someone else and had quite a few other things going on in my life. I told him that I wasn’t ready for a date then but offered to be friends. He told me he wouldn’t want to just remain friends and I accepted that. We stopped talking awhile after that, but after a week or so, he messaged saying he’s been really stressed lately and wanted to ask if we could be friends with benefits instead. I told him I value intimacy and can’t be intimate with anyone I’m not emotionally attracted / attached to / romantically in love with. We stopped texting afterwards till now.

For the past few months, I can’t stop thinking about what we could’ve been considering how well we vibe. But other than our brief interactions, I’m unsure if we are truly compatible. I am generally not open to FWBs and hope my partner share the same sentiments ideally. I’ve been tempted to drop him a text telling him how I feel but I don’t know if I’ll be opening a can of worms. Should I?

  1. You told him no and he went away. He came back and said, “can I just eff you.” And you said no.

    Now you want him.

  2. Why should you? He just wants to bang you. How will you feel afterwards when he’ll tell you (again) that he doesn’t consider you worth enough to date, but okay to bang.

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