hellooo women! what would make your mornings more bearable?

  1. That people weren’t killed during the night for me to find out about in the news.

  2. breakfast being prepared already. i just can’t be bothered in the morning so i just… don’t eat i guess

  3. Alcohol quite extraordinary amounts of alcohol.

    Or just not having to worry about getting stabbed on my way to school. Again.

  4. Having had enough sleep and not struggled with insomnia and frequent nightmares throughout the night. I don’t remember the last time I managed to get 6 hours of sleep, let alone 8.

  5. Silence, or being able to have a slow start to the morning without anywhere to be, maybe with rain and fuzzy blankets too

  6. Meditation before I even get out of bed. Usually one focused on gratefulness of being mindful through the day. Then a large cup of water with a lemon squeezed in it. A shower, makeup, and listening to an interesting podcast on my way to work. Makes a HUGE difference in my day.

  7. Woke up next to a man I care about very much. Every day that happens is a gift.

  8. I’m super grateful that I can just take a pill that fixes my thyroid like magic, but I wake up hungry every day and it’s so hard to not be able to eat for an hour in order to let the pill fully absorb. I’d love to be able to take it and then eat immediately.

  9. Since you appear to be a man asking women I’ll give you my practical answer: a gentle, long hug from my best friend/sweetheart if I had one. Happy endorphins are awesome.

    Fresh cold, clean water (I do taste impurities) – refreshing and wakes the body up.

    A routine/plan/pre-prep: management for the pressured chaos of everyone crossing paths under a timeline.

    Unpractical: Mornings at a private spa would ease me into the day: massage, yoga, green space, meditation, skin treatment. Yep, that would do it! *wink

  10. Fresh bagels. I’m already a morning person but bagels would make a good time of day better.

  11. Not dealing with period cramps during that time of the month. It’s always the worst when I just wake up.

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