What is it like being a tall woman?

  1. I’m tall for an Asian woman. I never felt feminine. It doesn’t help that Asian men have soft features- obviously not all of them do.

    I dated in my race so I was always the same height or slightly taller than the ppl I dated. I’m now with a man who is 6’6” and it’s nice to feel small and dainty in his arms.

  2. People ask you to get things off the top shelf. And that’s about it 🤷🏻‍♀️

  3. Idk, what’s it like being short? Something like that, but from a slightly higher vantage point.

  4. I guess it’s nice? I can’t compare it to being a short so I don’t know what differences I experience lol.

  5. as an asian woman, i’m tall among other asian women (i’m like 5’6 or 5’7). i think many other asians wish to be tall like me but growing up, i was mainly insecure about it because it seems like everyone really liked cute short girls and i always thought that my height was gross?? however, now that i’m older, i’m starting to appreciate my height.

    i think an advantage for me specifically is that my legs are nice and that most clothes look really good on me!

  6. Dresses/skirts/pants end up being too short, getting asked to reach things for people, having to bend/look down when talking to people, looking like a giant in heels, people asking me to transfer some of my height to them(????)

  7. Let me start off I have 2 sisters and a best friend who’s more like a sister then my biological sisters. My claim to fame in my family… I’m the tall sister at a whopping 5’4 😂. The 3 ladies I’m taller then are 5’3, 5’2, and 4’9 🤷‍♀️. I can’t say the air is much different but my tailor see me just as much as then.

  8. I’m nearly 5’10” – overall pretty good! I feel powerful and statuesque

  9. (175cm/5’9) Easy to reach things. Finding long enough pants is annoying, it hides some of extra kilos and makes easy to keep hourglass shape and long dresses&heels look amazing with tall figure. People assume you to be more competent, but also give more responsibility. Teen years were hell to be tall girl.

  10. “wow you’re tall”

    …thanks, I had no idea! I guess that’s why my head is always cut off in mirrors 😂

  11. Depends on the day! I often feel powerful and confident, thought sometimes I feel like I can be accidentally intimidating (I’m 5’11”). I’ve learned to be a little extra friendly or goofy with new people so they don’t get that impression.

    When I’m feeling low self esteem sometimes I feel gangly or too big, and get very self conscious about being larger than other women, not being dainty or cute. But usually I can get out of that headspace by putting on a badass outfit that only a very tall statuesque woman could pull off. 😉

    It’s also been a mixed bag for my dating life. A lot of men aren’t as into tall women, unfortunately, but that also helps me avoid a lot of insecure men as well!

  12. I’m about 190 cm. In my dating/sex life I’ve encountered people that think I’m too heavy in regards to weight, I weigh 87 kg but that’s not heavy for my height. It feels bad whenever some guy says I’m too heavy when they try to do some awkward lifting me up. Like, what do they expect? That they’d be able to just lift me like they do to someone that’s 160 cm and maybe weighs 45-60 kg?

    In daily life it’s just hard to find clothes that I like and that fits. I also get people being weird around me. I’m often the tallest person in any places I go to, get lots of unwanted attention due to this.

    I’d love to be able to enjoy just lying in bathtub filled with hot water and just relax like my friends do but I can’t comfortably lie down in a bathtub because they’re so small. I can’t even shower properly without taking the shower handle off and holding it in my hand because it’s placed too low.

    Beds are a pita because most are so small, likewise with a duvet nor blanket.

    Can’t sit comfortably in the backseat of a lot of cars because there’s not enough space for my legs. Some cars I can’t even sit with straight back in because the roof is too low.

    Can’t use the kitchen without suffering back pains because everything seems built for people that are like 170 cm.

    Then you have people wanting you to grab stuff for them that is out of their reach.

    I wish I was shorter. My father is 201 cm and my mother is 182. My brother is 201 cm and still hasn’t stopped growing. My sister is 180 cm and will likely grow to be around my height as well.

  13. 6’3”, “wow you’re so tall I had no idea” after meeting coworkers for the first time outside of Webex.

    Also, lower backaches from bending over — sinks and counters and desks are never high enough!

    Otherwise, I just….am? I dunno. I like being tall but I don’t think about it much, unless buying clothes (rare that stores carry cute things that are long enough).

  14. Although I almost never buy form fitting clothes anyway, it’s hard to get tops in the right size. I find myself sizing up drastically just to get the right length, but then everything else is pretty big in comparison. I am also someone who has broad shoulders as well, so that kinda stinks. Also shoe sizes are a ✨nightmare✨

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