Have you ever caused a car accident? If so what happened after?

  1. yeah. I was leaving my high school and crying in the car (lol) and I very lightly tapped another girls car from behind. we got out of our cars & decided nothing was damaged. we agreed to never talk about it again. teen girl code, I guess.

  2. Some guy drinking a beer cut me off, so I pulled up along side him, stopped my text, and threw my phone at his window. When he pulled over to get some video for tiktok, someone hit him. I feel terrible.

  3. I was in one accident where I was turning left and someone t-boned me. They were driving in a non driving lane. My insurance settled with theirs 80-20 so technically I admitted to 20% fault and my insurance took care of everything.

    If it had really come down to it I would have fought for no liability at all because they were driving in a non driving lane but since insurance settled it and my rates weren’t going up I had no reason to do that.

  4. Yes. I made a hit someone who changed lanes at the same time as me and we both merged into each other in the center lane.

    Called insurance, got towed, insurance paid for our cars minus deductible

  5. Not me personally but a few years back my dad rear-ended someone as he was bringing me home from school and it ended up with a multi-year nightmare of injury claims even though it wasn’t nearly fast enough to injure the lady in the other car.

  6. Kind of. I was driving along an interstate through a blizzard. The left lane had been plowed recently so it only had a few inches of snow, compared to the other two lanes that had almost a foot. I was in a Honda Civic, so I could barely do 30 mph without fishtailing. Someone (only other vehicle on the road) in a Chevy Suburban decided to tailgate me with his brights on and honk repeatedly. I flipped him off and he didn’t take it well. He came up along side me screaming out the window and tried to run me into the center median, then lost control of his SUV and went off the embankment to the right.

    Didn’t see another vehicle for miles. Terrible cell reception out there too.

  7. Yeah I did.

    I was adjusting my music and not paying attention to the road and I didn’t notice there was a line at a red light ahead. I rear ended a Jeep with a bull bar on the back at about 40.

    Miraculously, I had almost no injuries besides a bruised wrist. The car in front sustained far less damage than mine. The only damage the Jeep sustained was a bent up bull bar and a slightly bent fender. My car’s front end was totally busted up.

    Afterwards, the police came to the scene and made sure I was fine before giving me a ticket for “failure to reduce speed”. My old car was scrapped and I think my insurance paid out for the minimal damages the Jeep had. My mom graciously offered to pay the ticket since I didn’t have a job at the time.

    I had to save up for like six months doing odd jobs to get a new car, in the meanwhile I had to get driven around by mom everywhere, but afterwards I bought a used car for pretty cheap and so far I’ve not crashed into anything else 🤞.

  8. I’ve only been in a minor parking lot fender bender and it was the other guys fault.

    Well also one time my mom didn’t check her mirrors and backed into my car but I wasn’t anywhere near it at the time.

  9. Yep. I totaled a brand new car that I had owned for all of a week. I’m not sure why my insurance didn’t go up because it was 100% my fault.

  10. Yes, mostly. A car was coming too fast around a corner by my driveway. I’d didn’t see them, pulled out, and they hit the front of my car so hard that their car bounced. My car had the front end ripped off, they had a big dent by the rear wheel. No one was hurt beyond whiplash. I say mostly my fault because I was the one legally responsible and I should have looked more carefully, but if she’d had her lights on and been doing the speed limit, I’d have seen her in time or she could have slowed and stopped in time.

    We both got off the road, I apologized for not seeing her, we called insurance and police, the police came, took statements, called tow trucks, and drove the other driver’s kids to school.

    My car was totalled. I rode my bike for a week while until they officially decided that was the case (the fact that I could ride my bike for 90% of the trips is why I didn’t have an insurance policy that covered a car rental). They sent me a check, I spent a few days looking for a new used car.

    It was all very simple, only consequence was that I started parking in that apartment’s back lot.
    A longer walk, but it had a different exit that had good visibility.

  11. No, but I have adjudicated liability on plenty. Do you have a specific question, or are you just asking in general?

  12. Not one that resulted in anyone else being part of it. When I was 22 I lost control of my car when I misjudged where a fork in the road was, then skid on a bunch of loose gravel. Hit a pile of dirt, launched the car about ten feet in the air and landed on a fence.

    I know this isn’t my fault, but I’m including it anyway. [A few years ago I was coming home from work during a snowfall and a guy slid into my lane on a gradual bend. He hit me head on going maybe 35-40.](https://imgur.com/a/bHcDyqb)

  13. When I first started driving I hit a car in a parking garage while I was turning in to park.

    Told the building to try and get the owners I go to give them my insurance. They call me later in the day and said they had absolutely no record of that vehicle (office building) and it shouldn’t be parked there, so they towed it. I went home at the end of the day and never heard about it again

  14. I’ve sort of caused one: a truck driving significantly slower (likely something close to 70 vs 55mph) in the right lane suddenly and swiftly started changing into my lane, which according to my dashcam, would have given me less than 5 feet between my car and their truck.

    I overreacted and shifted left one lane, but in the process swiped someone else’s front bumper.

    Both of us were okay and no damage was done to him, but my car’s airbags deployed, which effectively totaled it (sold it for scap for $800, although having to find a decent used car in late 2021 absolutely sucked)

  15. Just one time. I was turning left out of my apartment building onto a four lane road and got t-boned. It was obviously my fault, but to this day I swear I looked and didn’t see anyone coming, I don’t know how I missed that car. It’s been four years and I still am super careful when turning left onto a busy street with no light, to the point where I probably annoy people behind me.

    That is still the only moving violation I have ever had and I have had my license for 16 years now. So I don’t think I am an unsafe driver, I just somehow didn’t see that car even though I must have looked right at it.

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