I was just thinking about the regional differences in the US. Like how the people act towards each other, how’s the weather and climate, what’s the overall culture and economy there, stuff like that.

Just what’s good and what’s bad about different parts of the country. And I was wondering what other people think.

So what do you think is the best/worst thing about living in the Northeast/South/Midwest/West?

  1. Trying to divide the whole country up into just those four regions is waaaayyyyy too broad

  2. Midwest – friendly people but horrible winters.
    South: Friendly people but too hot!
    West: Too many homeless, but along the coast, the weather is nice.
    New England: Beautiful history, but winters can be brutal and in certain parts the people can be unfriendly.

  3. Well for the Northeast:


    -Good schools

    -Good pay

    -Lots of outdoor/urban fun

    -“close” to Western Europe

    -fairly easy holiday trips to Montreal

    -good sports



    -taxes tend to be higher

    -pretty crowded generally speaking

    -infrastructure is constrained and often outdated

    -people aren’t known for friendliness

    -its actually a very small part of the country and is fairly uniform in appearance from D.C. all the way to Maine.

  4. I’m white in the South. Definitely the heat for me.

    It is my understanding that many residents of the South who are not white will give a different answer.

  5. Midwest; best is the cost of loving to income ratio, worst is the decaying cities

    South: best is the food & music, worst is the humid summers and low income

    Northeast: best is ??, worst is the amount of people

    West: best is the weather and scenery, worst is the cost of living and lack of water

  6. I’ve worked all over the Country and except for some specific/regional foibles about how people act/relate… in general almost all Americans are pretty friendly and welcoming.

    The biggest difference that make parts “Best and Worst” is pretty much the weather/climate.

  7. Northeast best:

    The cities




    Quality of life

    Northeast Worst:

    A good day on the slopes would be considered a bad day out west

    It’s expensive

  8. Texas has a good economy but it’s pretty hot down here, it’s also heavily red so people might not like the politics if they lean left

  9. I love that in the Mid-Atlantic I’m a relatively short drive from so many natural environments: mountains, forests, beaches, etc. But on the flip side, none of them are the best examples of those environments that america has to offer.

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