So a few weeks ago I reconnected with this girl I met 3 years ago, we have now been on 4 dates and all 4 were amazing. We both laughed and smiled the whole time, both had great times, talked about the future, etc… The last two days her communication with me has been very different. Usually I’ll get texts from her expressing that she misses me, wants to see me soon, asks about me, just in general interest. The last two days I’ve got the bear minimum from her, one word responses, etc. idk what to do. I’m thinking tonight if she doesn’t text me I ask “am I waisting my time?”

How should I handle this? I don’t think I can just move on without answers I really liked this girl

1 comment
  1. I think we overthink a lot because we don’t want to come off as too pushy or whatever. But from what I’ve read in your post your intentions are clear, you like this girl and you want to get to know her better. Maybe something happened and she can’t prioritize you right now. The point is you will never know what’s going on unless you ask. I’d write something like “Hey, I genuinely like you and want to know you better. It’s important to me that we’re on the same page and I value the time I spend talking to you. Lately we haven’t communicated as usual, so I want to check in and ask if you still want to pursue this further?
    **You tell her your intentions, you state your mind and you ask her what she wants.** If you don’t receive a reply that’s your answer. I used to get so nervous thinking “does this guy like me or not” etc. Now I just ask lol, you have nothing to lose by asking you’ll get the truth (most of the time) anyways

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