What inspires you

  1. Cheesey as fuck but my girlfriend. She’s survived a lot, up to and including divorcing a physically abusive piece of shit while battling cancer without losing her own sense of empathy and drive. By far one of the strongest people I’ve ever met and one of the most loyal and caring

  2. Great historical figures. Reading about what people accomplished hundreds/thousands of years ago, the odds they overcame, and their outlook on life is enough to give me a good kick in the ass

  3. Honestly, not a fucking thing. It’s getting to be a problem, really. I try to find something, anything at this point, but I just can’t find anything that really matters to me. No reason to keep going, to do better.

  4. Too old to be inspired. I just want to live in relative comfort and peace until I die.

  5. Mgk , yungblud , pierre bouvier , my cousin (dudes a total bad ass ) , my sons god father

  6. My family. Every generation worked hard to give their children the best lives they possibly could. I could go on and on about all of them but I don’t want to flood the comment section.

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