I feel like I need to express myself, maybe someone will find it usefull

For few months I was using Tinder, mostly out of curiosity, to see if I can get any matches and meaningful relationship. Most of the times I was dissapointed of people I was dating, conversations were dull and it was awkward most of the time. The pattern repeated itself again and again…

…Until about a month ago when I matched a girl who texted me first (just for the record – it wasnt any emoji or basic “hello”). Not gonna lie, I was surprised by that. I wrote back and we had a bit of small talk. We live in different cities, not so far from one another yet it was hard to set up a date at first. So I gave her my numer, she added me at Whatapp and we keept on talking for days, eventually we started calling ourselves and talking for hours about us, things we like, about our future plans and we were flirting, like a lot. Shit, we even had an argument once before we actually met.

Finally we decided to met in person. She wanted to meet me near a statue by the lake in a beautifull place. She was looking gorgeous, wearing green dress, put some delicate pink eyeshadow, wearing a good perfume.

She’s was intimidated by me because of my height. Im like 6,4 and she is maybe 5,5 :D. But we hugged, I’ve warmed her up and talk for a bit and then we start walking around the lake. That was the first time when I didnt feel nervous on a date, maybe because we talked a lot before and it didnt felt strange. She then bacame a little bit more calm and open with me. We were talking about things around and stuff. She told me before about her bad dates with men lying, hiding their wifes, kids etc., we were talking about that and my dating experience so far.

I took her hand, joking so that she wouldn’t get lost in the woods. All the time on our way she was checking me out, looking me in the eyes and acting brave and confident when she was somewhat shy. I found it really cute. On the way back we embraced, then we sat on a bench near a statue watching sunset together. We were cuddling a bit, still embracing. She started playing with my hair, we keept on maintaining eye contact and at this moment i felt intimidated by her. The way she was looking me in the eyes, that was something different than ever. I didnt want to be pushy, I wanted her to feel comfortable but I felt like my whole body was screaming – kiss her! So I told her that all I want at that very moment was to kiss her but Im not sure if she allows me.

She’s been leaning towards me, closed her eyes and we kissed. We took a small brake, still making an eye contact, still smiling and then we make out even more. She even grabbed by neck and pulled me toward her to kiss me. It was eventually getting late, so we left the place and go back to our places. I called her when I got back home so she wouldnt worry about me and we keept on talking untill we went asleep.

I’ve never had a date this good. It felt like a dream yet it was real.

I cant wait for our second date. This time I have to put some effort and make make something great. Now Im a little motivated 😀

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