What is one thing you do in order to improve yourself?

  1. I practice boundaries with my time, I make time for myself and self care (relaxation and grooming routines) and get as much sleep as possible so each day feels energizing.

  2. Dedicate 1 hour a day to fitness, one hour a day to petting my kitten and I make sure to eat organic greens everyday.

  3. Once a year, do something that gets me out of my comfort zone. This year is taking writing workshops and courses.

  4. Write things down— I keep a calendar and a note pad of my things “to do”. Since I started doing this I’ve been way more productive and organized in regards to time.

    I check it every day and try to get at least one thing done. Sometimes I plan out a week by week schedule of little tasks I need to do for each day. Monday- schedule doctors appointment. Tuesday- clean out closet. Etc. It’s such a good feeling crossing shit off that list and then starting a new one. It takes time to get used to and you have to commit but once you form that habit you’ll feel like a new person. I used to think of certain tasks that aren’t necessarily urgent and push them off for weeks at a time. Now I think of it, write it down, and it’s done by next week. The calendar also helps a lot with keeping track of schedule, availability, and being prepared for future days/events.

    Love my calendar and note pad.

  5. I do a lot, I’ve made self improvement my thing, I exercise and journal and go to therapy even though I hate every minute of therapy, and I do these stupid therapy workbooks, I meditate, I practice gratitude, I literally carve out time to reflect and practice self awareness. I take cold showers lol.

    But the biggest thing has been the realization that I don’t have to be perfect. I mean, you can tell by my list, even self improvement is something i feel i have to get absolutely right, and then since no one is perfect of course I fail and then self improvement just becomes another thing to make me feel bad about myself when I fail at it.

    But, ah man. That realization I don’t have to be perfect! It has changed me, made me more relaxed, way less hard on myself. Sometimes I suck. Sometimes I’m a trash panda. And that’s OK!
    Took me 30+ years to realize that lol.

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