So I (36 F) met this guy (32 M) a few months ago. A friend of a friend so we’ve hung out in general with friends a few times and always end up intoxicated. He’s always been super flirty with me, calls me beautiful all the time, and is a super fun guy. He asked for my number like a month ago and when I gave it to him at the end of the night he saved it under “Beautiful” probably bc he didn’t remember my name. He was gone this night and may not remember even getting it. He’s never called or texted so I haven’t worried about it. So last weekend I decided to have my 1st ever drunken hookup and went home with him. He was a complete gentleman but honestly the last hour or so of the night is a blur. I remember vaguely we were both too drunk to make the whole sex thing work.  He had performance issues and I just get sloppy at that point so I’m honestly glad I don’t remember what all I had going on lol. The next morning on the way back to my car was a lil awkward but not bad. He held conversation and joked and told me a lil about himself. At one point he did reach out and rub my shoulder and neck for just a moment. I wasn’t sure how to handle it when I got out of his vehicle so I didn’t try for a kiss, hug, handshake or anything. He looked at me and said thanks for the drinks last night (bc yes I bought him a drink) and I said thank you for the drinks last night (he’d bought me and our friends several) Then my awkward ass proceeded to say “Thanks for the sex last night” He just chuckeled and made a comment about sorry for the bad sex or that he couldn’t function oe something along those lines (I had a killer hangover and was so nervous I don’t remember exactly) and I was just like I don’t remember what moves I used but I’m sure they weren’t the best lol….he said you were sexy and I just kind of laughed said bye and shut the door. I don’t have his number nor do I have him on social media. I honestly had a great night with him even with the drunken disfunction but I’ve never done this and so I was just being awkward like I usually am but am worried that he may think I was judging his performance or something. We hang with some of the same people and don’t I don’t want anything to be weird and honestly I wouldn’t mind doing it again. So my question is should I send him a friend request? Would he think I’m being like stalkerish or something or would he see it as a “hey I don’t mind how things played out the other night” like I would intend for it to?


I slept with a guy who is a friend of a friend. Sex was bad the next day I didn’t ask for contact info or offer any. He made comment about him having performance issues. I don’t want him to think I’m not interested bc the sex was bad but don’t know if I should send him a friends request. I gave him my number weeks ago when he asked but he may have been too drunk to remember and he saved it under beautiful nit my name so he may or may not know he has a was to contact me.

1 comment
  1. Yes you can friend him. If you can get naked in front of him you can follow him on Instagram.

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