I believe in no one’s perfect and that no relationship is perfect. We all have somewhat a toxic trait / bad trait. Mine
was definitely bringing other family member’s problems when we argue.. He mentioned it to me before and right now Im still working on it..

Just wondering…

  1. She plays way too much. Example from today.

    Me: Where’d you put the olives?

    Her: Gross, in the trash.

    Me: Did you really throw them away?

    Her: Maybe, check the trash.

    Me: Nah, just tell me if you threw them away or not.

    Her: *full sprint hug*

    Me: Where are the olives?

    Her: Trash.

    Me: Ok.

    Her: Wait, not really, I hid them in the laundry room.

    Me: You’re a toddler!

    While it drives me up a fucking wall that I’m constantly on a seek and find it’s the only complaint I have. I look at it like I’m never bored and there are people with far bigger issues. It’s never a fight but I do get annoyed, like today. I didn’t even want them by the time I knew where they were.

  2. Husband is far from perfect, but we do not fight. 36 years an we have raised our voices at one another exactly 3 times.

    Nothing is worth fighting with your partner, civil discussions and clear expressions of frustration are a different matter.

  3. He falls asleep too easily and that’s not fair. In fact, he’s asleep now. Clearly TAH.

  4. My husband usually doesn’t handle household duties unless I specifically ask him to. I have asked that he just pay attention to the house and do things that he sees needs done, he swears I have to tell him exactly what I want him to. And yes I know it’s a manipulative tactic

  5. The only time I’ve ever really been upset with my wife is when she got a dog without telling me. She ended up returning it.

  6. Sometimes my husband and I argue over chores and the baby. He doesn’t clean anything, not even his plate off the table after eating. He also doesn’t look after the baby or even play with her. I don’t know why he even wanted kids with me to be honest. I decided to get our parents more involved and now I have someone to watch the baby and give me a break. He doesn’t like that because they meddle but I refuse to get stuck with the entire responsibility of cleaning, family and paying bills just because I’m a woman. This ended up solving the issue, we are happy otherwise. He is a nice guy, just super lazy.

  7. I don’t hate anything about him.

    And I disagree that everyone is in some way toxic. That’s a pretty extreme statement.

    I dislike that my husband enables me and worries too much. I don’t want that to totally change but partially I wouldn’t mind.

    Do we fight or argue able this? No.

  8. She doesn’t let things go and I don’t know think she can forgive and forget things easily. She and her brother are like that and they get those traits from their parents.

  9. There is zero that I hate or dislike about him. We’ve never had a fight or argument.

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