U meet a genie, u can have as many wishes as u want but there’s one condition. U can’t say the same wish twice. If u do, u lose everything u wished for and u get no more wishes. Whats the first thing u wish for?

  1. Pen and paper, so I could write a list out properly and not fuck myself over

  2. I mean, maybe I’m a simple man, but I’d only have about ten wishes before I wished the genie away for good.

    – World peace and prosperity for the rest of my life.

    – Life, Health, Happiness, and Luck for as long as I desire, for myself and anyone I claim as my own (spouse, best friend, kids, maybe siblings and parents)

    – To always have enough money to buy or pay for whatever I desire in the form of currency necessary to buy it.

    – Some sex stuff.

  3. Man this feels like the devil and the entrance to hell. Lets say you are good for a while – sooner or later you are going to get bored and then nothing is fun, worth while, or great. If you think about it – how many time do you play a game at the lowest setting just to win? You don’t and that is what it would be. . .

    He could keep the wishes I guess. We need something to strive for.

  4. Perfect memory so as to make absolutely sure to never ask for the same thing twice

  5. Eternal youth keeping me forever at age twenty, eternal life, eternal perfect physical, mental and emotional condition, eternal immunity to all harm and negative events and events including boredom and sadness, eternal immunity to having my wishes or their effects removed from me by any means including genies, other wishes and/or time travel, eternal immunity to all forms of mind control, manipulation, slavery, imprisonment, poverty and servitude…

    I could go on.

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