What’s the most American thing about your state?

  1. It’s tried to secede twice and is generally a rebellious thorn in the side of good order and discipline

  2. It’s violently American and it’s that the big city dwellers blame the farmers for climate shit though they are responsible for the greenhouse effect.

  3. The State Fair

    For 50 weeks out of the year, the metro is a culturally diverse place, but boy, if you catch us in the 2 weeks before Labor Day, we are the most hillbilly, greasy food, fat American stereotypical place you’ll ever see. And that’s just the way we like it.

    The only fair that even compares is Texas, which draws the same amount of people but is twice as long, and the state has like 5x our population. So basically we have the best fair in the country. Not to brag or anything.

  4. When you say you’re from California, every American acts like their region in an exaggerated manner.

    East Coasters talk about how superior they are to Californians

    Midwesterners talk about how Californians are fake unlike their authentic, down to earth selves.

    The residents of states surrounding California all talk about why they left California.

    And lastly…

    Southerners SQUEAL LIKE A PIG when they hear the name California, often shouting “LIBERAL!” In their rant.

  5. Hollywood. In the big wide world out there (aka not-America) Hollywood has had a massive cultural impact wherever you go.

    That, and California is 11.91% (yah, had to look that up) of America by population, so kind hard to *not* be American almost by definition.

  6. We shut down for covid for a minute and then went back to living, working, eating, drinking. And everyone game down to visit.

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