Hello people of reddit.

Ive been in this beautiful relationship since January and everything is love, heart, respect and trust… unil last night.

Some girl commented my IG story about a book saying that my brother borrow her one of mine to her 2 years ago and that she wants to send it back with him. I say that its ok, which book and erase the conversation on IG (Didnt think was bad, we dont even speak at all, conversation was empty)

Later that night she replies just when my gf had my phone in her hands looking at memes. I told her that she is a girl from the condo i used to live before covid and that she knows me that way. She started crying and telling me that why I erase the conversation if i dont have anything to hide. I cant even think why i did that, maybe just passed by.

Now, my relationship is at risk she saying that wants to end things due to is hard for her to trust me again., even qhen i explained a hundred times that im only with her and that i love her. (I stay at her place all day and help her with various things while she is out working as i work at home).

I dont know what else to do, i feel scared and sad because i love her and i dont wanna lose her. Whe loves me too but her trust issues ar at hand.

Any advice? I dont know how I can fix this mess!!

TL:DR: GF wants to end the relationships due to a deleted chat with a girl i never speak with who wanted to send me back a book of mine.

  1. Sorry but. 1. Your gf is older than you, it doesn’t have to be a big deal but sometimes abusive circumstances happen when an older partner takes advantage of the younger partner’s naivety/lack of experience. 2. This is a very fresh relationship. January is not even a full 3 months ago. 3. This is a really bad sign. From your description the exchange seems very innocent. You didn’t do anything wrong.

    If she is this jealous over basically nothing what happens when you go see a friend and don’t text back for an hour or two? These kinds of jealousy issues are a red flag.

  2. if everything has been as trusting and beautiful as you say, and she had THIS reaction to a deleted message thread, then there is probably no hope for the relationship. You are just getting in deep enough for her to start showing her true colors and they are unpleasant. Sounds like maybe she’s dating someone younger because she’s emotionally immature.

  3. her current partner (you) should never pay for the mistakes of her partners in the past or her past life.

    she needs professional help to get over her traumas.

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