What do you do?! Husband is in this thirties and I’m 26 been together for years… I’m so tired of going months without sex and feeling like I’m begging!
My MIL even expressed concern when finding out that we hardly have sex. She’s a widow and asked if the sex just keeps getting better like her late husband (they were VERY much in love). I thought she knew he had low libido. I guess she didn’t and told my SO he needs to handle this. Yikes. Understandably, That made him uncomfortable but I’ve been saying this for years.

SO has zero motivation to get help. He is fine without it for months on end. It wasn’t always like this.
However, I hate to say this but I’m not. The passion is gone and I want somebody to want me the way that I want them. To me this is something I’ve struggled with when it comes to staying with him. We have do other issues too but I’m married to someone I have zero intimacy with at 26……. What’s a girl to do?

  1. Send him to the doctor and have him straight up say why he’s there. The doc will be cool about it.

    It could be any of a variety of issues. A common one is low testosterone, and we’ve had many good reports from men in this sub who’ve got on the low-T therapy. Not only are they more interested, but they feel better, too.

  2. We have different levels, but we set 2 nights a week as “love days.” It’s like a whether you want to or not because we are so bad at intiatining. We are both fairly sexually conservative, so it’s been easier this way.

    You could also go to a sex shop and get a toy for your use when he’s not in the mood.

  3. Medications can cause such issues too so best to ask the prescribing doctor or look up side effects online then go to the doctor with a list of medications that could possibly be causing it.

  4. I had the higher sex drive when we were younger but lately I can’t stand my wife. Every time I am around her I want to get in my car and drive away forever so I don’t initiate sex anymore. I hope this is not what is going on with you but maybe you should ask him if he is unhappy in your relationship.

  5. My bet is low testosterone. I get that checked because if he is low and does replacement therapy it will be a game changer

  6. I’m in the exact same boat and it’s so frustrating and heartbreaking at times! Christmas Eve was the last time for us. He flirts with me, holds my hand, etc., but that’s it. He’s also home or with me when he’s not working and I see no signs of him getting it elsewhere. We have a good relationship aside from this. He doesn’t go to the doctor for anything so I’m sure this will never improve for us. When we were younger and not married yet, I assumed it was like this because we were trying not to get pregnant. Now we’re 31 & 35, married/ together for 13 years and there’s just no excuse anymore.

  7. My husband had this problem when I first got with him. Have him go to the doctor and have his thyroid checked. You won’t believe how much it affects people! Other than that I would try expressing to him that you have needs and you would like to figure out a way to satisfy both your needs.

  8. Escalate this and be certain he understand this is a deal breaker issue. Ask him what changes (exactly) he needs to want a normal active sex life twice per week.

  9. I’m 35 and I been your age and that’s sad we as women at that age should be enjoying it loving it, can I ask does he show other ways of affection and sensual touch, like massages , rubbing your hair , giving you pets and stuff ? Or not that either?

  10. Especially if you have no kids and want them either wsy head to doctor the time flies and 35 will be here which if there’s sexual or fertility problems do blood work too both of you,

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