I (21F) was riding my boyfriend (21M) during sex and suddenly he started jerking his body and arms up and down. He will sometimes stop himself from cumming during sex and I figured that’s what he was doing, but he wouldn’t stop moving. I wasn’t sure if he was fucking with me or something, so I gently said his name a few times and he didn’t say anything even though his eyes were open. When he was finally able to speak again, he said his tongue hurt and that his face hurt as well- he was squinting very hard. Then he specifically told me that “the face underneath his face hurts.” He said he didn’t remember what happened. He doesn’t have a history of seizures and I’ve never seen something like this happen before. He seems fine now but that shook me up a little. Does this sound like a seizure at all? I’m just kind of freaked out and I’m worried about him and what that was

  1. Yes.. he needs to go to a doctor to make sure nothing was damaged during that..

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