my boyfriend watches porn but it’s only girls masturbating. it’s not like anyone is fucking. it’s just a women masturbating. we have sex all the time. it makes me upset that he gets turned on by other girls and i found it on his phone and he tried to hide it from me. am i wrong for being upset? it just hurts my feeling that he kept it a secret and gets turned on by other girls like that. am i wrong??

  1. Yes you’re wrong. Most men watch porn, even those in committed relationships. They don’t just become not horny because they’re having regular sex.

  2. You should talk to him.

    When calm

    Explain that you feel it’s like cheating because he’s looking at another person.

    In my opinion <don’t have to follow >

    You should talk about his porn likes and what about them he likes.
    Maybe you Can do some of the things together .
    Make real life better than a video 😌

  3. It is true that basically every man watches porn. I don’t think that makes it ok. Porn affects your brain similar to cocaine, and it’s not unheard of to see it ruin people. I remember reading something, “young men today can see more beautiful nude women in one day than any person in history. I don’t know what that does, but it does something”

    Him watching it isn’t necessarily bad, tons of couples do that. But, it’s kind of lame he tried to hide something from you

  4. My 37m ex 39f hated the fact I watched porn. Tried to get her to understand every bloke watches it, she was adamant only kids do 🤷 honestly, most blokes do, some more than others, regardless of how happy and well sexed their relationship is.

    My current girlfriend 35f I don’t tell about it either, but she has no issue with it. She expects me to. And when she’s got time to herself, I’m certain she enjoys herself.

  5. Master bate in front of him. Watch the videos with him and master bate. Don’t get mad get in the game. Touch yourself while you have sex. Don’t be such a prude it’s just sex. It’s as much about the women’s enjoyment as it is the act if seeing the women’s body in the act if enjoyment. Be in the act of masturbating and call him to join you. Be the object of his desire and he won’t have any other desires.

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