As the title goes, I slept with a girl no more than 3 weeks ago and today I’ve noticed she’s posted on Instagram with a guy.

For context, I got back in touch a week or so ago (after I’d cut her off) and only a few days ago she told me she’s seeing someone (didn’t realise it was serious).

Now the issue is what makes it strange is
we were seriously flirting/planning on hooking up again, and she only stopped replying when I asked to meet her. She just didn’t reply.

She’s messaged me saying how much she wants to do things with me again which makes me think this relationship she’s in isn’t really stable at all? What should I do?

I don’t want to be a relationship wrecker but I already know it won’t last between them and it’s confusing me. I like this girl but it seems there’s nothing I can do here that won’t make me seem like a dick.

  1. Honestly she doesnt sound worth the trouble of sneaking around and pissing someone off plus not getting to do other stuff that isnt sex, plus if she is already seeing someone and fooling around with you, what is to say she won’t do that if she chooses to be with you?

    Once a cheater always a cheater

  2. From personal experience I’d say if a person is willing to be in an open relationship without their other partners consent (cheating); what makes you think it couldn’t / wouldn’t happen to you?

    Seek something more stable whether it’s with them or not. Tell them to figure out what they want first if you’re looking for something serious. You’re not a dick for asserting your intentions. If anything they would be the dick for playing two people at once.

    If you’re only looking for a hookup I’d also recommend seeking someone in your same position. Either way this course you’ve set up for yourself almost never works out in terms of a healthy longevity relationship.

  3. Think with your big head not your small head.

    She’s messing you around. She’s messing around (cheating) on the guy she’s seeing. If she’ll do it with you, she’ll do it to you. This lady is trouble

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