So this girl and I have been talking all day everyday for some time as friends. We work at the same place but different parts so we only see each other at work every so often. Anyway, we have been out drinking a few times and every time we have ended up kissing. First one was just a shorter kiss. Second time she had kissed me then I went in for it again, she came back up to me later that night going for it again. We talked about it the next day and I had apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again so she wouldn’t feel embarrassed or anything but her response was “I didn’t say not to do it”. I have a massive crush on her but not sure how to tell her/don’t wanna ruin the friendship or anything. Also can’t tell if she is actually into me or not. Kinda need some advice on what to do, and if she actually is interested.

  1. She straight up told you she’s interested. I say approach her and say something along the lines of I want to kiss you again and see how she responds.

    If she sighs then she was just drunk. Then you leave it at friendship. Don’t pursue anything else.

    However I don’t think that will happen. She seems pretty straight forward which means she wants someone who is also straight forward.

  2. Same thing happened we were drunk I was handling her and her frnd throughout the party but after we left somewhere in the cab I lost track and we kissed (I didn’t even realize that time) next over a random text she is like aren’t you going to address the elephant in the room. I was like I’m talking to you which other elephant do you want to address. Then she went like I kissed her in the cab. I apologized she was like it’s fine coz it was a forehead kiss. I was sorry the cab gets me dizzy. (I haven’t met her or texted properly since, I’m kinda embarrassed)

  3. Can people just shut up with the “I don’t want to ruin the friendship” bullshit?

    You kissed her. You’re way past that point. Just ask her out for a date and be happy as her boyfriend.

  4. She is interested, but not sure if she only wants to fuck you or if she really has romantic interest in you. I think you should just straight away tell her what you feel, because else you would never know what could have happen.

  5. So you have a massive crush on her, but don’t want to break the friendship ?

    I don’t think being friend with her makes you happy, if you have a crush on her. Ask her out, keep kissing her.

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