hey everyone,

I’ve (22M) been talking to this girl (22F)
the past couple weeks. We’ve been on 3 dates.

I asked her before our first date what she was looking for and she just said something chill. I’m cool with that. But I’m not the type of guy that just hooks up and dips. I need there to be some sort of connection there.

I have been struggling with my confidence this year because my long term ex cheated on me this past January. I’m also a bit rusty on dating because my ex is the only girl I’ve ever been with.

Our first date went well and we planned to see each other again.

We went out again soon after and after we got drinks I walked her home and we sat on her steps in the back of her house. She told me she would have invited me inside if she had informed her roommates. I felt like I should have kissed her but I wasn’t sure if she just wanted to just be friends because her vibes on our first two dates were not very flirtatious. I ended up just heading home and we planned to see each other again.

We agreed over text after this that we were both interested in being more than friends.

Then the third date came and we went hiking and got ice cream. It was fun! Afterwards I drove her home and we went inside her house for a bit. It was around 6:30 and she had a class at 8 so I couldn’t stay long.

We went into her room and sat on her bed but again the vibes were kind of off and I wasn’t really sure what she wanted me to do.

She had told me previously that she was recently out of a relationship and we talked about how we were both kinda rusty on this stuff.

I wanted to try and up the flirtation so I told her I thought she was pretty.

All she said back was that she thinks that I’m kind.

She also said before that she thought that I was shy and that she found that cute.

I don’t know what to think. It doesn’t seem like the vibes are there. I don’t know if she really find me attractive.

We texted frequently between our dates, but I’m beginning to think that she just wants someone to talk to/be there.

I know I’m not the most attractive guy in the world, but I think that I’m pretty attractive.

But after these last few months I’m not sure what to think anymore. No girls really seem to think I’m as attractive as my ex did.

I’m just kinda tired of all this. I just want to find someone again. Although I know that takes time.

Dating is hard.

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