I mean, I am shy because i am not rich. I’m just average. I kinda feel i dont deserve them and they deserve someone whose status is the same as them? It feels intimidating at times. How do I deal with this?

(Posting for a friend because shes shy and lazy to make a throwaway accnt)

  1. Try to be curious about them as people, their likes and dislikes, along with their insecurities and struggles. The more you realize they’re just people like you the more comfortable you’ll feel and they will feel more comfortable having someone genuinely know them on a personal level instead of just seeing their status. Also pretty much everyone likes it when you express some genuine enthusiasm about their “toys” or things they do with money, just don’t make the only face they see from you be a drooling one.

  2. There’s no need to be ashamed for having less money than them.

    My family is middle class and my older brother had a gf whose family was very rich and well-known where I live. She was the kindest and most humble girlfriend that my brother has ever had. Her family was also very nice and accepting despite the economical differences.

    In the end it’s not really about the money, it’s more about your personality and your moral values! Having less money does not make you less worthy.

    You should try talking to your partner and let them know how do you feel about it; it’s the only way you can feel better.

    Also, never try to change your personality just to fit in with them.

  3. If you’re left wing this is the wrong person for you to have contact with. IAC they’ll want a prenuptial agreement AKA prenup.

  4. Why “deal” with it? Why be intimidated? It’s just money.

    You can make money doing really good things, doing really bad things, or sometimes even doing nothing at all. Money itself doesn’t determine a persons value.

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