For someone who will soon be studying abroad in America, what are some tips on how to quickly make friends with Americans?

  1. Are you male or female. The ways we make friends in college is different.

    Men, you go to the first day lecture and just pick a dude out that’s sitting by himself. Walk up, ask if he’s holding the chair next to him (for a friend or whatever). If he says no, sit down, introduce yourself and bs before class starts.

    When it finishes, ask for his cell to text and ask if he’s gone to the cafeteria yet. 100% of the time on the first day of lectures it’ll be no. Schedule to get lunch together. Everyone wants to go to the cafeteria, but rarely wants to risk being alone on the first crowded day. He’ll be in for it. Go to lunch together that day.

    You’ve just made a college buddy. First day. Minted. There is nothing easier than making friends in college as a dude. Everyone is there looking for friends from day one.

  2. Food always works. Strike up a conversation with someone near you and, after a bit of small talk, ask if they want to grab lunch/dinner/whatever with you. Better yet, if you can cook, make some food from your culture and invite people over to share it with you.

  3. Just be open to trying out new things, be willing to talk to strangers, and don’t force yourself if you feel truly uncomfortable (e.g. a topic/hobby you don’t care about) then just leave. Most groups/clubs are very very open in the first month of a new semester/quarter. You can join a club very quickly. From there friendships will form. The second month it becomes insanely hard to get into social group.

  4. Are you living in the dorms? If so, the easiest way is to just leave your door open.

  5. Groups/social clubs based around similar hobbies/interests will always do the job. If you’re going to some sort of college/university, it should be pretty easy to find those online. Always being open minded and wanting to try out/do new things with others. If you’re going to a major city, can probably find their reddit page to ask for suggestions there too.

    Also goes without saying but, still, not being a dick can also help out alot. Unless you find the weird sad pity crowd of people that act like America is some wartorn Hellhole and any place outside of the US is paradise, most don’t want to hear about how much better your country is compared to the US and your solutions to US problems.

  6. Hi there, I used to help foreign students get settled in the US, feel free to PM me with any specific questions. General advice is as follows:


    * Follow the advice and examples of locals, they’ve lived here a while and know what they’re doing. If you have questions, feel free to ask, Americans pride themselves on being helpful and friendly

    * Get involved on campus, its a great way to make friends.

    * Life here is not like movies and TV, forget everything you’ve learned from that and come with an open mind, if you expect it to be like movies and TV, you’re going to have a bad time.

    * Likewise, remember you’re an outsider looking in, there’s going to be things you don’t understand at first, and that’s ok

    * Research the state you’ll be going to, they differ immensely and may not be what you’re expecting. For instance, I’m from New England, which is nothing like the “typical” impression left by California or New York

    * Research the weather, much of the US is much colder than people expect with huge swings in temperature and weather conditions

    * Travel when you get the chance, the US is huge and naturally diverse, there will be plenty to see.

    * If there’s something you want to do or try, just ask, your hosts will probably be eager to share life and culture with you

    * Keep an open mind, the US is a big and complex place, try and discover something new

    * Go to a diner

    * Remember, you may be here to party, but others are legitimately trying to get an education and kickstart their career

    Making Friends

    * I wouldn’t worry too much about it, people will be interested in meeting somebody from a different country and will be eager to share their culture with you.

    * Don’t assume you already “know” American culture, just come here with an open mind.

    * Try to get involved in local customs, from holidays to sports culture, its an awesome way to meet people.

    * Get involved on campus, join a club or student government, volunteer with a community service group, Americans love to stay busy, and they use it as an excuse to meet new friends

    * Be outgoing, don’t be afraid to try new things

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