I am back into trying to date and I CAN’T understand why grown ass men think it is okay to be all over you! I literally went on a date where a man lifted my dress so he could jokingly “see my ass” and then groped me. He wondered why there wasn’t another date?!!? SERIOUSLY?!
This happened after I told him about a couple experiences where men were “handsy” and how terribley uncomfortable it makes most women. Am I in the minority or what here?!! I am frustrated and confused.

Also, I hate when they ask for a kiss or to touch me. You will KNOW if I want to kiss, I promise you. Why can’t things just build normally?!?? I am looking for something to grow and be long term, not creepy awkward groping.

Please men stop. Don’t talk or even mention sex until after she brings it up or I feel like you want one thing only. Fine if it is mutual but I am dating to meet a forever partner.

  1. The permission to kiss thing has grown more popular. Kissing may seem appropriate but not everyone feels ready at the same time. It’s just a way to confirm consent and if done right, should enhance the experience not lessen it

  2. I’m a male. In my single years, I was generally handsy, but not that handsy. To me, touch is an escalation, not a “go straight for the ass” kind of thing. Touch/nonverbal flirtation is important.

    As for why they do it? I’ve known a few guys who are that aggressive. They do it because it works. Not all the time, but some girls are into that and the girls who aren’t weed themselves out quickly.

    As for bringing up sex, again I used to tastefully bring it up and steer it toward escalation. There’s many reasons a guy would bring up sex early, but it boils down to: it works. You may be in the minority here.

    I say this ass guy who has been on both sides, I had way more success establishing myself as a sexual creature early on than I ever did waiting for her to bring it up.

  3. >Please men stop. Don’t talk or even mention sex until after she brings it up or I feel like you want one thing only.

    So, this is okay if a woman brings it up first..? That’s pretty hypocritical thinking to be honest. Sex is obviously on someone’s mind when dating, so instead of making assumptions try being a bit more mature and having an open conversation with them about it.

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