I’m conflicted

I’ll start off by saying I am currently single. I have always thought of myself as a good guy and I absolutely believe cheating on your partner is wrong. But I find myself more and more fantasizing about cheating. Not me cheating on my partner (if I had one) but the idea of someone cheating on their partner with me. Is it wrong of me to get a bit of an ego boost thinking of someone cheating on their partner with me?

  1. It’s not wrong to fantasize.

    And You’re not a bad person to enjoy the ego boost that would come with someone cheating for you.

    I would argue The fact that you’re conflicted makes you a good person.

    Fantasize. If/when the situation becomes a reality is the time to re-evaluate.

  2. As long as you understand that it is simply a fantasy that you will not act on to become a reality, then it is ok. If you find yourself trying to act upon it, then it becomes a problem. But you in no way suggested that.

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