Parents: If the human you created asks you one day why you created them, what would you answer?

  1. To help me reshape the world in my image. I need an army and you’re a start.

  2. Depends one asks.

    The first one, oops. The 2nd one we wanted another go now that we know what we’re doing a bit better

  3. Well Rusty, you’re mom wanted to make sure I was good and trapped, and it worked for a while there.

  4. I wonder how many of the jokes of “it just happened” are actually true and people never actually wanted to be parents.

  5. I’m not entirely sure, but after reading how you phrased this question, I’m starting to wonder if you are AI or an alien.

  6. i’ve actually asked my mom this before.
    her answer was she was alone. she was married and my brother was 5. she cheated on my dad and they were divorced when i was 3.

  7. The Internet protocol to transfer email is called “SENDMAIL.” You’re mom’s iPhone autocorrected the word to “SEND MALE.” I knocked. She answered. You are the result.

  8. “because i wanted a kid and i knew that society would endorse this whim without question or condemnation”

  9. Adopted my foster son when he was 6 months old. I have a very different set of questions to answer.

  10. Ur here cause ur mom was that kids mother from cod mw2 and that punk son of hers beat me in a 1v1on rust interventions only and i had to get revenge by fucking that punks mother

    Anyway your here now cause of that

  11. I made bad decisions by sticking my dick in crazy and you were the consolation prize.

  12. Because I always wanted to be a dad and your mom wanted the same so after several years together we decided to try and you are the result

  13. My mum (rip) said that i was “a happy accident”. She had a stillborn before i ended up popping out and i was totally unplanned (mum was told after stillborn that it was pretty much game over for having kids).

    Im totally cool with that because I was loved and raised and was given the tools to be a decent person.

    Possibly not 100% what OP wanted with the question, but its vaguely relevant.

  14. Because we wanted you. We wanted to care for someone, love them and raise them to be this awesome person. Someone who takes after us and, in a way, is us after we’ve gone. You give us purpose and potential. You’re the best thing in our lives

    Also, spare kidneys

  15. Because I was in love with your mother and I wanted to have a mini version of ourselves that was able to achieve our failure hopes and dreams.

  16. I asked my dad this and he said “So I can have someone to take care of me when I get older”.

    Spoiler Alert! His kids did not take care of him when he got old.

  17. Truthfully, the selfish reason is that I feel like I have something to offer by extending my own lineage and feel like there’s enough good in myself (and my wife) to where it would be reasonable to feel like we’d create someone who would have a pretty cool experience on this planet here.

  18. My daughter asked this when she was 4 ish. I told her we wanted a family together, to make her together and have something that was part of both of us.

    My second daughter was sort of an accident. We knew we wanted a second and just weren’t being super diligent with condoms.

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