me and my ex broke up mid January, she broke up because she lost feelings. But then She invited me to go out with her at the mall on May 14. She ghosted me after that. I have done nothing wrong, never cheated, never talked shit about her. i posted about girls saying weird shit about my body and how uncomfortable i am. then when i look at her twitter page (dont ask why) i saw a post where she called me a “narcissist”. She said on the twitter post “You like the attention you’re getting, drop the act narcissist”. she’s kinda getting on my nerves ngl. That’s not the only tweet she talked shit about me.

  1. She sounds like an unhappy person. Negative people don’t always have good reasons for being mad at someone. Sometimes they are just projecting their negativity onto others.

    You are better off without her.

  2. People try and place blame on others when truly they are the problem and are unsure of how to handle their own feelings

  3. “I’ve done nothing wrong”

    Right there I’m gonna stop you..

    Just block her.. she’s your ex…

    You have no need for her, she’ll just end up slowing you down like that example, and also in future relationships.

    You’re almost doing this to yourself by having her remain in your life lol. You don’t need her so drop her from your life..

    Move on

  4. Why are you still doing this stupid dance with her? Just block her and live your life. Who cares why she’s upset, let her be upset without you around to even fucking see it.

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