How do you overcome an emotional breakdown?

  1. I allow myself to feel however I am feeling and let it run its course with as little damage to my life as possible.

    Edit: Oops. This the askwomen thread…my technique still applies but I am not a woman.

  2. I first let myself feel the emotion, then I try to focus on what’s triggering me to breakdown. Usually if I can understand what the trigger was then I’m able to calm myself down. I also take a lot of deep breaths in between the tears 😢

    Note: Our emotions can serve as warning signs and it’s important to pause and listen to them before discounting them as an “overreaction”.

  3. Usually when I have breakdowns, I feel better when I have someone else’s support physically. I feel better cuddled up next to someone. But that sometimes ends up being sketchy characters when that’s all that’s available. That’s not a recommendation, just how I handle things.

  4. honestly i had to work through the root of the breakdowns by going to therapy to understand my childhood trauma

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