I’m (18f) curious on what the average age difference limit is.
Tell you age, your gender, and what the youngest and oldest age you’d date is and if you’d like to, reason for why those ages?

  1. At 18, I would go up or down 1 year. At 21, it was up 3 and down 1. At 25, it was up 25 and down 3.

    Now, at 55+… fuck it. If it’s legal, I will.

  2. Half your age +7 is a decent metric for those 30+.

    Although at 39 I’d likely draw the low limit at 30. A decade is a generational difference and poses unique challenges.

  3. For 18, don’t date above 23, you’re at different life stages and the odds are against you (this is coming from a women who dated that age range and higher at 18-20 and a lot of men 26+ want you because you’re “barely legal”).

  4. 26F youngest probably 24 maybe 23 if they’re mature and figured shit out. Oldest no older than my oldest sibling so 31.

  5. I’m 31F, and my lower age limit to *date* is 31. If he was practically perfect in every way and I only wanted to fool around, I might consider 26, but I’d feel weird the whole time. Personally, I’ve always been one of those people who acts older than they are (can you say childhood trauma?) and men tend to act younger than their age, so I really don’t want to dive any younger. I’d almost say my lower age limit is still 5+ years older than me, but that’s too picky.

    My older limit is probably somewhere in the 60s range? Additionally, I wouldn’t pass on 70s, lively, and good-looking. Older men have their lives together (for the most part) and tend to know what they want. There’s a lot less mind games and time wasting.

    My ideal age is probably mid-forties. I personally think middle-aged men are at their peak of attractiveness. There’s something about how soft, yet worn their skin is. And while I’m not into furry men, the weird Austin Powers chest hair that happens to them at that age just *does something*. And greying temples? Don’t even get me started. As my mother said, “the best thing about middle aged men is that I keep getting older and they stay the same age.”

  6. I’m not too concerned with age at this point. I’m 31M, I probably wouldn’t date anyone under 21 just because it limits options for going out. I’d say realistically I’d probably date within a decade of my age now, preferably someone younger since a lot of my friends are younger, and I tend to have more in common with them.

  7. 32M and my limits are 27/35.

    I have a good career and secured lifestyle, even if women younger than 27 were into me our lifestyles **likely** won’t match up, and our life experiences certainly won’t.

    I also haven’t fully decided yet on when/if I’ll have children, so being with a woman older than 35 I don’t feel would be entirely fair to her regardless of what she wants.

  8. I’m 31. I’d say I’m willing to at least go on dates with girls above college age (23+).

  9. I’m 35 and have a child. The youngest I would date is 30 mostly for the reason of I want someone who is at the same stage of life as me —stable career, ready for a family since I already have a child and I would like more eventually. Oldest I would date is probably 50, but again I want more kids so he would have to want more kids too and I have found that to be difficult to find at 50.

    Over the years I have found that age matters less as a I get older because we eventually are all in a more settled place / more on the same page. I find that to be more important than how old each person is.

    My current man is younger than me by about 4 years, he is younger than my ex by a year too but 1000x more mature than my ex. Some of the time, age is just a number.

  10. I’m 32F. My lower limit is probably somewhere around 27, my upper is late 40s. In my last serious relationship my boyfriend was ten years older than me, but truth be told we were both in similar places in life (he was/is a bit immature but not in an annoying or dangerous way, he was just…youthful) and I never felt like there was a big power imbalance. For some reason dating men 4-5 years older than me feels the most “natural” – I just feel like they’re my peers. Maybe because I was precociously on the internet as a young person and thus we have all the same reference points there. Maybe because my first boyfriend was 4 years older.

    I only ever dated someone younger than me once. He was 24 and I was just a year older, and he was very sweet and smart and funny, but he was absolutely clueless when it came to dating.

  11. 22f and 21-25 is my dating limit. Someone who can drink but normally not in a completely different stage of life or would want kids right away.

  12. 23F, wouldn’t date younger than 21 because I’d feel weird dating someone that can’t legally drink. I wouldn’t date older than 28 just because I feel any older would make me uncomfortable.

  13. I’m 30 this year and generally I wouldn’t date more than 1-2 yrs younger, unless it was someone I met and clicked with prior to knowing their age, but I don’t think I could date someone more than 3-4 years younger. My highest age I’d date is 39-40. Generally all through my 20s it’s always been 10yrs older as my max. I generally find 3-6yrs older is what I tend to go for though.

  14. 30M, I typically try for 26-31 but haven’t been active in the dating space for a while now.

  15. 20M. For what? A one off, 18 is my preferred. I mean there’s attractive girls at any age, but naive flirtiness??😍 That’s totally me. Just get to know me and especially with my friendships and my hobbies I still have a youthful spirit. That is soooo hot to me omg.

    For a relationship, I would end up acting more like an older sibling, which isn’t bad, the age disparity of someone younger than me could be really cute. It would probably mostly stunt our growth though.

    I was dating a 29 year old at 19. Didn’t think I would ever do that but it totally worked. Only thing is she wasn’t way ahead of me financially or with her job. We were in exactly the same living situation. Studio apartment, food service. So there wasn’t much to grind against. But that’s probably very unlikely. So I’ll give a tentative cutoff of about 26

    Tldr, 18-26

  16. 23F. currently dating 25M.

    women: 21-25 (I find women to be more mature, but would want someone out of college, and anything older than 25 they feel too mature)

    men: 23-26 (must be my age or older due to maturity, but anything over 4 years older I find we’re in different life phases)

  17. 19F gonna be 20 in a few months. Max id date is 5 years older and 1 year younger

  18. I wish I honestly had an answer from experience. I am only 18 but I’ve never dated anyone. If I had a guess I’d probably say 20 is my soft cap since I’m not huge on dating someone who drinks, maybe I’d be okay with 21 if they only drink socially.

    Maybe I’m too strict, I dunno. Take my “limit” with a grain of salt

  19. 39f, and will date 21 to 42. I like my guys on the young side, and submissive if possible. Have dated as much as 15 years older, but it was meh.

  20. i think the range expands as you get older. when i was 18F i dated 18-22, im now 22F and i date 20-32

  21. I’m 34M. When I was 24 I dated a 45yo. Currently in a relationship with a 25yo. Before I met her, my limits were 10 years younger up to 5 years older.

  22. When young the range is smaller… As you get older the years are less of a percentage of your life so a larger gap is ok.

    40yr dating a 50yr old is ok… But a 10yr old can’t date a 20yr old

  23. Im 42(m). I will not date anyone younger than 30 or older than 60.

    Reason is simple enough. It would be fucking weird.

    Also younger peeps are all.over the place, want to travel, have a life.and a future and make regrettable decisions.

    Peeps in their 20s are in college, not set on a career, dont know what to do yet and want to party with friends.

    Peeps in their 30s . . ..well thats getting near my sweet spot. They generally know what they want to do at thia point.

    40s – 50s . . . my age. Sweet spot.

    And there you go.

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