My city has a few in person singles events that I was looking at. Has anyone had luck with these. Did you think these could be better than OLD??

  1. I went to one of these during the pandemic and it was like “Tinder, the Live Show”. Red flags and creepy predator vibes. A few people were nice but I wouldn’t devote all my efforts into these events. The place had decent tacos though so it wasn’t a complete bust.

  2. Doesnt hurt to give it a shot, dating is a numbers game, you could see alot of familiar faces from the apps, or maybe these are all the people who dont believe in cellphones, hopefully its just not all the desperate emotionally unavailable people though. Wont know if you dont try! 🙂

  3. It’s worth trying! I’ve always been interested, but whenever I saw the list of people “attending” on Facebook, it would be 90% women and 10% men. I just didn’t see the point in paying money to hang out with a bunch of other women.

  4. Haven’t tried any myself but have been super curious too. Please let us know how it goes!

  5. I would honestly prefer that if I was still looking. It’s so much easier to feel a persons vibe by just looking at them. How is their body language, how do they dress, how are they treating the other women there?

    The issues for me however is that the guys I tend to like would probably not go on an event like this or even be on OLD. The guy I’m currently dating signed up on one app but he felt that the whole thing was so off that he never went on a date. He def wouldn’t drag his introverted ass to one of these events, which is that sad bit. I suspect that it probably will be crowded with very extroverted people who are very dressed up and likes to date a lot! They will probably find a few dates that evening if they are attractive. I would most likely eat some tacos and then try to talk to the quiet guy with glasses and gorgeous eyes in the corner 😀

    It doesn’t hurt trying to! But i wish there was an event for all us people who doesn’t really like dating around too much, are introverted, like being single, but would still like to find our special someone. We struggle at events like these and at OLD, and tend to get our feelings hurt because we can’t do the whole multidating stuff and games. Oh well 😀 sorry for the rant!

  6. Sadly in the sticks we don’t have much chance for proper gatherings. But I’d definitely go. Without expectations that is – I’ve done speed dating in the past and it was pretty daggy but good for a bit of fun.

  7. Doesn’t anybody just drunkenly smash into each other then decide the next day if you like each other or not? You know – the old fashioned way?

  8. I actually had really good luck with speed dating and other in person singles events. I’m a bit awkward over text, so face-to-face always works better for me. If you think you do well in person, this could work well for you.

  9. Live in a big east coast city and me and my friends have not had luck.

    More likely to end up in an hilarious situation of extreme awkwardness than your standard online date, so highly recommend if you’re looking for good stories!

  10. Not much, but then again I have social anxiety so I have a hard time mingling (Though I’m getting better) and even worse time getting numbers.

    If you’re comfortable talking to people then you’ll probably do well.

  11. I think you surprisingly have a much better shot meeting a potential partner at an event that’s not explicitly for singles. Joining a sports league or dance classes or group hikes are great ways to get closer to new people without the added pressure of it being a singles event.

  12. They were soo fun before the pandemic but I haven’t been to once since.

    The male to female ratio is off. I went to one where I was the only woman. I also went to one where there was only one man, who I actually ended up dating. But they were still fun. I remember one in particular in which there was an even ratio and we all decided to go out dancing afterwards. There were no hookups and no coupling but we all still had a good time.

  13. Never hurts to try, but I definitely prefer meet ups that revolve around some kind of activity. I’ve been to a few “singles night mixers” and it was…awkward. Like a middle school dance with mortgages.

  14. I have never come across one of these. But I would just approach it as something to do. I have lots of free time. Meeting new time is pretty cool in itself.

  15. As an introvert an event like this *sounds* terrible and terrifying, but if you end up going I’d be curious to here what it’s like. The thing I like about OLD is I can very quickly weed out people I KNOW I’m going to be incompatible with early on without the awkward need to exit a face to face conversation.

  16. I can’t imagine someone I have much in common with being at an event like that, so would never think to attend one.

  17. I went to one singles event and I didn’t care for it at all. Everyone had this hunger in their eyes that was uncomfortable.

  18. Wine tastings is where it’s at imo. I’m not even into wine, but I met some great people at those events.

  19. Looking at your other posts: First, you need to allow yourself to actually break up. She’s still your wife or at least that’s what you call her. You’re not separated yet. Your wife lives with you, and you don’t like when new people you’re talking to don’t provide instant communication.

    You have to deal with all of the above first before you can put yourself out there genuinely looking for something real. If you need a rebound, fine, but don’t mislead yourself or mislead a potential new partner that you’re moved past your marriage and ready for a new beginning. Your life screams that you are not.

  20. The one and only single event I went to was entertaining…lasted an hour.

    1. Creepy Crosby sweater guy that looked like he was going to roofie someone.
    2. One guy pulled a chair onto the dance floor, trying to get lap dances
    3. Multiple couples looking for their unicorn.

  21. I’ve never been to one of these events before but I think it would be a good opportunity to meet other people who you never would’ve met otherwise. You’ll never know unless you try!

  22. Do not recommend. I went to one in NYC a few years ago. It got a low turnout (maybe 20-30 people). I’d say it was at least 70% men but maybe more. They advertised an age range but clearly did not enforce it. There were as many people in their 20s as there was 50s.

    As for the people there, well let’s just say it was exactly the types of people you’d have expected to have struggled with OLD: bad hygiene, overweight, unibrows, etc. Use your imagination and you can probably guess. It was awkward.

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