Title pretty much says it… my boyfriend of one year has an internship in a state 7 hours from me. I spent half of the summer with him, but I go home this Friday to start work again… I’m not nervous or unsure if we are going to make it, or if he’ll be unfaithful. We are extremely close and love eachother deeply. I’m just absolutely dreading being away from him for 6 whole weeks. And the selfish part of me is subtly trying to convince him to come home early (the internship is turning out to be crap and not what he expected) but he’s a typical man and is dead set on finishing and not giving up. I’m going to miss him and I’m sad. Any advice or thoughts?

Td;lr- boyfriend will be gone for 6 weeks for a job thats panning out to be shitty. Feeling sad and upset, but trying to be a good girlfriend and not pressure him to come home.

  1. If you convince him to leave the internship and he ends up regretting it, he will always hold it against you. Stop pressuring him while he needs to perform. You really need to grow up. Six weeks is nothing. Calm down. Good luck to you.

  2. Hehe how’s THIS for a “welcome home”?

    If he’s flying in or taking other transportation, offer to meet him at the station. Wear a raincoat, even though it’s probably won’t be raining.

    Greet/kiss when he arrives. Go through all the “how was your trip stuff” with him.

    Then when you get to the car, reveal (show, tell or both) that you are naked underneath the raincoat.

    He will set a land speed record getting to the house.

    I’m sure that’ll make it worth the wait!

  3. >he’s a typical man and is dead set on finishing and not giving up

    Or, he is honoring the commitment he made when he accepted the internship. Might be kind of nice in the future to know that you’re with someone whose word is their bond and that you can trust that they will do something when they say they will.

    Separately, any chance you could arrange a visit back to see him? I know it’s 7 hours away, but leaving on a Friday afternoon, coming back Sunday afternoon would at least give you some time with him.

  4. >he’s a typical man

    He’s not being a “typical” man, he’s being a person who wants to see through an obligation that could serve his life and career well in the future and that’s nothing to do with gender.

    Do you have any friends or hobbies, or are you completely invested in him?

  5. im not you or your boyfriend, so i couldnt say.

    what i can say is, i moved away to college 275 miles away from my girlfriend.

    and i lived in a co-ed dorm

    and my circle of friends included plenty females.

    and i didnt cheat.

    i would call my girlfriend every night on the phone and talk.

    after a while she began to gaslight me, and be verbally abusive because i was “being selfish by leaving for college”

    after a few tearfilled nights of phone calls, we broke up.

    i walked down to Liz and Karen’s room.

    they were good friends, and i had a great night.

    after some time we got back together because apparently i wasnt so selfish that she wanted to be alone.

    it came up that i had sex once when we were broken up.

    she started planning on how to cheat on me to “get revenge”

    i caught her in a hotel room in ocean city MD.



    1. happy relationship means just that, and if your happy, theres no need for anything else.
    2. it is often those who accuse that are guilty.

  6. 6 weeks is not very long. Also, if you trust him then you should have zero doubts about him being unfaithful.

  7. It’s 6 weeks, that is nothing. If you trust him then it won’t be an issue.

  8. As some with who has a job that takes them away a lot. I’m a fireman and in the National Guard. I get it. It always hurts when I have to leave for a few weeks or more. My girlfriend is very supportive though. I think I have a harder time then her. She’ll just read and work out and is a introvert so she’s self reliant.

    My advice to you would be find some more hobbies. Stay busy. Work more. Work out a lot. Just stay productive. 6 weeks is manageable. Just stay tough and don’t mope around. Kick ass and stay busy! Idle hands are the devils play toys.

  9. Six weeks is no time at all if you expect this relationship to last for the rest of your life. Do things to keep yourself busy and happy, and the time will pass before you know it.

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