I (32) guess this guy (34) and I have been dating for like 2 months now and maybe have gone on a total of 6 dates. His communication has been kind of off lately and i know he said he doesnt like to text and would rather call or send a voice note. In addition, he had asked for me to say hi to his parents as they were going to be leaving for their hometown (this past Monday). So my fam invited him and his fam over about 3 weeks ago. Things were good but again his communication skills really suck. He then said lets have dinner with his family last Tuesday (3/22) which was also the last time i saw him. His parents left this past Monday and he sent me a voice note to say how hes been super occupied and his parents had just left. I said okay np how about we catch up over a call? He said ya sure whenever. So i call him (this is this past tuesday) and literally talked for 5 mins and he said hes gona have his dinner and that we’ll catch up before sleeping. I thought to myself oh ok so maybe he will call me back but nope. All he texts before sleeping is goodnight sweet dreams. Like seriously how can you be so oblivious? And not even making plans to hang out? Ive never communicated this to him because we haven’t even had “the talk.” My assumption is that he definitely lacks dating experience but come on man. I’m not going to reach out again bc i did my part.

1 comment
  1. “I’ve reached out enough. Now I’m giving you the silent treatment because you don’t reach out enough!”

    Y’all aren’t a good match, if he wanted to communicate with you, he would. If you wanted to communicate with him, you would.

    This sound like a petty and toxic match up, and neither of you appear to be acting your ages. Neither of you know how to communicate effectively and it’ll become the downfall of your relationship, as well as future ones.

    I’m not attacking you so please don’t take it that way, but from a birds eye view, you’re both failing at communicating you’re wants, needs, and desires.

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