Could be personality or physical!

  1. I’m really good at small talk. It has helped my career immensely. I don’t always enjoy it, but I can act like I do and it wins people over.

  2. my stretch marks, I’ve slowly been learning to be happier with it, 2 days ago when the weather was nice i wore a tank top with my pregnant belly showing and i felt so happy for once

  3. People confide in me, and also tend to come to me for comfort when things are bad. I value that a lot.

  4. I don’t hold grudge / overthink in conflicts.
    I’d explode for a day (or two), the I’d be perfectly just fine (emotionally) the next day, like.. really it’s weird. Also, when I’m pissed at someone, it doesn’t affect my personality / mood towards other people. I’d still be cherful to other people.

  5. I can feel the music I hear in a different way than others that I know of… If it feels like looking through a tinted glass for others, for me it feels like looking through a kaleidoscope. I am so grateful for this ability to just soak up and enjoy what I hear 😊 in terms of voice textures, note transitions, sounds of instruments, etc. Not that i am particularly trained in music.

  6. I can cook and bake well.

    I would also like to think that I listen well and am reasonably empathetic (I realize how full of myself that makes me sound, and I certainly don’t mean it as such.)

  7. My drive to want to work and always have money incoming. I don’t rely on anyone else for that.

  8. I am never reliant on other people to entertain myself. I am my own best friend and I can always keep myself entertained with my own thoughts. I go out a lot by myself whether it’s to eat or shop and I never feel alone. The only time I avoid my thoughts is before bed because thats when the stressful thoughts about school and how behind I am start giving me anxiety 😀

  9. I am a fabulous dog trainer. I have been doing now for 5 years when other that held my position in the past have only lasted a year or so. I am really really good with dogs.

  10. I love everything about me personality wise so ill do physical. I love my height, my hair, & my lips.

  11. I’m really good at being inclusive and respectful and meeting people where they are at 🙂

  12. i like my ability to de escalate lots of high stress interactions. i like my muscle memory. i like my cute feet.

  13. I braid my hair in two braids every day and they’re as long as my arms so it’s like I have two tentacles that only function as a scarf or to play with.

  14. my passion about the subjects that I’m interested in and how my interests inspire me to learn new things

  15. I’m friendly and outgoing and good at making shy people feel included/bringing them out of their shells. It actually requires a lot of emotional labour and I’m proud I’m good at it.

    I’m also hot, especially to queer ladies (which is my intended goal)

  16. I’ve always been a positive person, even though growing up things were quite difficult. I feel blessed to have this character trait.

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