What habits have you adopted to keep negativity at bay?

  1. Always find one good thing about a situation. Even if it’s “well, at least it’s over with”

  2. Hobbies. Sounds odd, but for a long time I didn’t really have any.

    I’ve made hobby habits that have stuck with me for a few years now and it’s been very healthy!

  3. I struggle with being incredibly overcritical of myself. So for every negative thought I’ll point out something positive of myself or reassure myself through kinder thoughts.

  4. Great question. I struggle with this. It’s so easy to be negative about everything

  5. Whenever I have trouble falling asleep, I mentally think about all the way today was successful. I woke up on time, I ate a full breakfast, I started that new project, I finished chapter ten of my book. Everything and anything that is good!

    It really helped me see that my days weren’t all bad, in fact I’ve kind of been killing it!

  6. keeping myself productive by studying/learning something new! when i’m productive, i tend to be fully focused on the task at hand and it leaves me feeling great about myself because i understand something! like mathematics lmao

  7. I set and maintain boundaries, practice gratitude, and don’t indulge in any kind of comparison to other people.

  8. To keep myself happy I think about the stupid things my grandpa did when he was alive. When was younger- when everything was better.. before covid-

  9. I won’t argue about silly things. You can tell me the sky is purple and I’ll say “OK”. I don’t need to waste my time and energy proving someone wrong. This come in handy with teenagers, since they know EVERYTHING.

  10. Removing toxic people from my life is a big one. Another one is removing myself from toxic or negative environments, whether it is workplace, events, or conversations.

  11. If people are negative toward me or just in general I avoid them all together. I set that boundary for myself. If I encounter people online I block or disengage in the pointless discourse.

    In general I live with positivity and good energy I don’t like people messing with that.

  12. In my work, data is neutral… analysis is neutral. Conclusions are based on facts. Fact makes up a good part of Truth My response is a choice.

  13. I have a “support group” 5 women around the same age, we pretty much text about everything all day long, so whenever one of us is feeling down or anxious, we dump it there and the rest would reassure us, help us find solutions or just offer to kill whoever is bothering us. It is pretty effective.

  14. Gratitude. Always gratitude. Remember the things I have in my life to be grateful for

  15. Focusing more on my self facing the fact you’ll always have it there when you’re bored build character from it realize it shapes everyone differently negative is everywhere just try to fly through one ear out other sometimes negativity is good though to step back and realize things life’s a lesson learned everyday just smile fuck the negative

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