Ok so I met a guy on hinge recently and I like him so far. I’m 29 F, he’s 30 M. We messaged in the app and I gave him my number and we texted a bit. But a few things were concerning. I said he should call me and he said he’s busy and doesn’t like to talk on the phone and would rather just plan a date. I thought that was little bit of a red or yellow flag. Then I said ok we need to FaceTime before the date at least and he said we can the day of the date. He also lives an hour away from me and I think he’s expecting me to come to him? But I’m thinking we at least need to meet halfway right? Also is the call thing a red flag? Why is he that busy? I do like him and he seems eager to plan the date and asked me what I like to do and all but idk. What do you guys think?

  1. Don’t give in, you should insist on FaceTiming before meeting in real life.

    2 reasons why he wouldn’t want to face time.
    1. He ugly af
    2. He a serial killer

    So yea, no FaceTime no date.

    Just my opinion though

  2. For your own safety please FaceTime him before the date, and before you even start driving to the date. Also share your location with a few trusted friends or family members and share his name/ your date location with them too. You can never be too safe meeting someone for the first time like that

  3. Okay thanks you guys. Glad to know I’m not the only one who thought all of that was odd smh

  4. Maybe he is nervous…. Start with photos…not staged old photos but…”what are you doing today” style photos…from there use voice notes in WhatsApp, then call. / video call.

    If he has had no gf before he may just be nervous..m. If he has dated before, he should know you need to call to feel safe, ask about travel..id say half way or he comes to you.

    And pick a very public place to meet, maybe even ask a friend to sit nearby, out of earshot

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